[Picture] My Destroyer - the Ravana. It has 5 beam turrets top (2 left and 2 right; 2 on bottom and

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
My Destroyer - the Ravana. It has 5 beam turrets top (2 left and 2 right; 2 on bottom and one on very front) 5 beams covering the rear and sides and 4 covering sides only, 10 missile turrets on front (5 on top and bottom), 14 rail guns on top and bottom, 8 heavy flak guns sides on top and bottom, 10 laser turrets on the sides. It also has shields that can withstand constant barrages of missiles and can withstand beam turrets, 2 docking bays for fighter and bomber cover, a 2 hyper drives (one’s a backup), 4 reactors, and 2 engines. lol


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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
hey, I'm not god modding, ok? i really don't like your accusations and complaining so please stop. You wonder why I activated another reactor, and i'll tell you why. Because i'm taking more damage! that's why. i've got your flagship, your cracker and it's stupid ombs (a waste using them on me), and now misha. i'm sure Darkiron is going to attack too. and btw, thebombs that explode are hitting you too. Planet cracker bombs would have such a large shockwave, there is no way I'm taking all of the damage for you. you are still taking a lot of damage from them.
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