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Pay or not?

Should i give $150 for someone else's vacation?

  • Pay

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Dont Pay

    Votes: 37 92.5%

  • Total voters
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Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Unlike other topics i made,i need some serious advice here.

Me and my two friends have got together and agreed to go on a vacation outside the country.However,due to poor service,i didn't get my passport approved on time(they messed something up with me)but the other two got it on time.

So,i was supposed to pay $150 for my part of the vacation.Now that i cant come,they say I'm supposed to pay the $150 anyway,so they can go swim and dance and have fun while i sit at home and bake myself on the heat.

Is it reasonable to tell them to piss off(which i will probably do),or to pay the $150 for their vacation?

Also note that i toiled for a month to earn $200,and that if i give them the money(and they can afford to pay more than i do)ill be broke and unable to afford an alternate vacation within the country,while they have a bunch of extra money they toss around.

I know no one probably gives a rat's ass about this,but im really interested in what you guys would do in my situation.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I wouldn't pay, there is no reason I would. I strongly encourage you not to pay either, better save the money for another vacation or similar. Now you don't want your friends all angry but I wouldn't pay my friends for their vacation, that'd be like creating a homepage where you pay people vacations.
Advice of the day: Don't pay man.
Level 9
Jan 5, 2007
Don't pay. It's not your fault that your passport wasn't approved in time, resulting in you not being able to go, so why should you be held accountable for it? If they want to go that desperately, they can get it from somewhere else.

Although, you could always pay a bit of what you would have paid to go, so that they don't have to dig deep to get themselves there, and you don't go away from it completely penniless.
Level 3
Jul 26, 2007
As others have said, don't pay, it would be like buying ice cream, but not being able to eat it.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
I say, pay them. The only way to find true happyness in life, is to serve others. Think about it, the richest people in the world are grumpy and never happy.

What goes around comes around. (Usually.)

And, if they are your friends, think of how much MORE they will be your friends by helping them out when they are in need.

Also, its just 150$.

You don't get happy by hording your money and keeping it to yourself. To be happy, means to be generous. Trust me, you will feel a lot better if you just give them the 150$.

And, the pressure is off, along with the good feeling that comes with it.

When I was in India, all the people who where pore and such, seemed like the most happy people I have ever met. I am not saying you have to be pore, I am just stating the fact that happyness does not come from wealth and material goods.

In fact, joy is a better word.

If you want to be joyful, be generous to others. No one is a friend to a hording rich person.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
I say, pay them. The only way to find true happiness in life is to serve others. Think about it, the richest people in the world are grumpy and are never happy.

You forgot Bill Gates D: He gone mad of his millions and may be freely threatened as a happy man.

You don't get happy by hording your money and keeping it for yourself. "To be happy" means to be generous. Trust me, you will feel a lot better if you just give them the 150$.

Yeah, that's true. Helping and not-**tching makes you feel better.

When I was in India, all the people who where poor and such, seemed like the most happy people I have ever met. I am not saying you have to be poor, I am just stating the fact that happiness does not come from wealth and material goods.

Happiness is collective, not money. The more fitting your community is, the happier you are.

And by the way, watch for your grammar please :smile:
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
You forgot Bill Gates D: He gone mad of his millions and may be freely threatened as a happy man.

Yeah, that's true. Helping and not-**tching makes you feel better.

Happiness is collective, not money. The more fitting your community is, the happier you are.

And by the way, watch for your grammar please :smile:

You don't get happy based off of the community. That's just a bunch of bogus. That, and 'happy' really isn't the best word. Joy comes from serving others.

Happiness is a short term little 'feel good' thing. Joy, on the other hand, is a long term lasting attitude that sticks depending on a mental process that you create due to what you want to 'feel'.

Your thinking controls your feelings,
and, your feelings control your actions.

So, everything you do is controlled entirely by your mental processes that you choose to generate.

Here is an example:
A family member dies. It is utterly entirely up to you to make the decision of how you feel, by creating your own mental process. So, I could feel happy. Not because the member died, but, just because I chose to be happy. There is no such thing as an uncontrollable feeling. It's just harder to make the mental process sometimes.

Joy, on the other hand, is a completely different thing entirely. Joy, lasts until you start to think about yourself, instead of others. Anybody who's center of life is them self, is not happy. But, anyone who centers they're life around others, becomes joyful.

I guaranty you that, all the rich hording people who only care about themselves, and how much money they make, is not joyful. In fact, those people are always grumpy mean and very very lonely.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Like most things, this is not an issue of black and white.
You should choose how much money to give them based on some factors:
  • How much money you have.
  • How much money they have.
  • Your income.
  • Their income.
  • How much they will pay you back.
  • What will be done with the money in the various situations.
  • How generous you feel like being.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
They don't intend to pay me back.And thanks for everyone's advice,I'm not giving them a dime.

Not because I'm selfish.If i had 10 drawers of money,i would rather throw $300 outside the window then give $150 to someone who insists on me paying for his vacation.Not asking a favor,but insisting and bursting blood vessels over me considering it.

So i thought about it,and I'm not paying.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Pay for any expenses you have caused (like flight tickets being non refundable or hotel bookings not being refundable). Next to that do not show them a single bit of that money. If you would have gone with or stayed at home they still have the same money to expend, thanks to simple maths.

Basically if you would have gone with they would have had 50% more money, however they would have to pay 50% more for any activities as there are 50% more people and you do not get many discounts. Thus the ratio remains constant for money per person.

They are basically ripping you off, so purly pay for any flights or bookings for yourself (not them) that can not be refunded (as it would be unfair to shove any of your costs on them) and keep the rest of the money.

If necessary, blow that money on icecream or something to keep you cool at home, but they definatly do not earn to have 50% more money to spend between the 2 of them (basically 75$ each more pocket money as they do not need that money to pay any expenses).
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Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
It all depends on how much do you know these friends: if they are old friends, people with whom you shared many years of your life, you should pay because at some point they will pay you back.
If not, don't give a dollar.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Did they explicitly say "Pay us" or you are simply in the moral conflict if you should pay or not to save your friend's vacations?
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
As someone else said-pay for anything that you cannot refund (hotel room? plane tickets? whatever.)

But do NOT give them a single cent for general expenses.

And if they truly insist on the money, and it seems they care more about the cash then about the fact you cant come with them-don't pay even the non-refund expenses. it seems like they didn't give a damn about you anyway.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
It all depends on how much do you know these friends: if they are old friends, people with whom you shared many years of your life, you should pay because at some point they will pay you back.
If not, don't give a dollar.

I've known them my whole life. That actually makes it worse, if it was someone i know for 3 months, it would be cool, but when someone i considered a good friend tries to rip me off, hes automatically on my enemy list.

Technically, the apartment costs $450. They still want me to pay my part even though I'm not going to be in there.

Did they explicitly say "Pay us" or you are simply in the moral conflict if you should pay or not to save your friend's vacations?

They said "You are going to pay that whether you like it or not". Saying something like that doesn't only make me want to not pay, it makes me want to bust their heads. It's provoking.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Don't pay them, they seem to have more interest in your money than in yourself. And you have been friends all your life? -.-
The ideal situation would be that they were ready to forget their trip because you aren't going and stay with you, but you pay because you apreciate this act of friendship... but this is exactly the other way round, so the consequence should inverted too.
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008
I wouldn't pay, there is no reason I would. I strongly encourage you not to pay either, better save the money for another vacation or similar. Now you don't want your friends all angry but I wouldn't pay my friends for their vacation, that'd be like creating a homepage where you pay people vacations.
Advice of the day: Don't pay man.

I totally agree to this advice ^^
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