Okay, you asked me in the chat and I'm writing the trigger right now. The rest, don't flame, I know what exactly he wants done.
Ok, make some passive ability (for example brilliance aura or whatever, just set all values to 0/none). Name it Some_Passive_Shit (for example).
Make another ability based on Thunder Clap (0 damage, 0% slow, no buffs and effects.) Name it with the official name of the spell. For example Guardship of the Nature.
Then make another ability based off Entangling Roots, set Casting Time to 0, Mana Cost to 0, Cooldown to 0. Name it Entangle.
Make a dummy unit (model path set to "_", no shadow image, add Locust ability to it and add Entangle). Name it Dummy_Faggot.
Create a variable named Unit_With_Ability.
Then the triggers:
Casting the ability:
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Guardship of the Nature
Add Some_Passive_Shit to (Casting Unit)
Set Unit_With_Ability = (Casting Unit)
Wait 60.00 seconds
Unit - Remove Some_Passive_Shit from Unit_With_Ability
Death case:
(Dying Unit) Has Some_Passive_Shit Equal to True
Unit - Remove Some_Passive_Shit from (Dying Unit)
Actual effect:
(Attacked Unit) has Some_Passive_Shit Equal to True
All - If/Then/Else - Multiple Actions
If -Conditions
Random Integer from 1 to 4 Less or Equal to 1
Then - Actions
Unit -Create 1 Dummy_Faggot for (Owner of (Attacked Unit)) at (Position of (Attacking Unit)) facing whatever degrees
Unit - Order (Last Created Unit) to Night Elf Keeper of the Grove - Entangling Roots (Attacking Unit)
Unit - Add a 1 second Generig expiration timer to (Last created Unit)
The integer comparison is the percent chance. It is a function that returns a random integer (whole) value from 1 to 4. If it's equal or less than 1, the Entangle will be cast. This makes 25% chance. For 33% it will be Random Integer from 1 to 3 Equal or Less than 1, and for 66% it will be Random Integer from 1 to 3 Equal or Less than 2.
You asked me about levels. Well, just make multiple "some_passive_shit" abilities. Just copy&Paste them and change the Editor Suffix.
Level 1
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Guardship of the Nature
Level of Ability Being Cast Equal to 1
Add Some_Passive_Shit (1) to (Casting Unit)
Set Unit_With_Ability = (Casting Unit)
Wait 60.00 seconds
Unit - Remove Some_Passive_Shit (1) from Unit_With_Ability
Level 2
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Guardship of the Nature
Level of Ability Being Cast Equal to 2
Add Some_Passive_Shit (2) to (Casting Unit)
Set Unit_With_Ability = (Casting Unit)
Wait 60.00 seconds
Unit - Remove Some_Passive_Shit (2) from Unit_With_Ability
You can change the entangle ability (create a different type of dummy unit with more powerful Entangle), the duration of the spell and the percent chance.