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Parasite 3 Demo v0.04

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is a demo based on an old project of mine Parasite 3. Due to the upcoming release of Starcraft 2 I decided not to spend the time to finish it. I did however take time to compile this short demo. The demo is nothing like the actual gameplay of Parasite 3, in it you must survive against waves of parasite creatures using whatever equipment is available to you. Almost all items, weapons, and armor suits featured in Parasite 3 are available for your use in this demo. I may be updating this in the future. Hope you enjoy.
- DarkShoGun

Parasite, Parasite 3, Demo, Paranoia, Whos the alien, whos the killer, Survival

Parasite 3 Demo v0.04 (Map)

10:03, 13th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
I updated. Fixed the problem with parasites failing to target barricades, and also a few other things here and there. Later, I might update the terrain to give it more interaction and create more diversity and uniqueness among the parasite enemies.
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
This isn't the actual game, it's a demo!!!! It tests out the items, weapons, armor suits, and android functions of Parasite 3.

Most of the item don't work, the design is the same as parasite 2 but DSG said he prefers "Whos the alien?" map like, i'm so confused about this (shit).

The only item that I have found bugs for is the autoloader, other than that everything I have used works fine. Which items are you referring to?

By the way, I am DarkShoGun.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
I really doubt u are.
I referred to the healing items.
If u were DSG u would have post on infestationforums.
He never talked about a defense the castle map but he always worked on parasite 1 and 2 like maps (he told me long ago yes but he did and on forums).
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
Yeah right, and I'm Icefrog and I came here to upload Dota to your pathetic site!
Seriously, how can you prove that you're him?

I find your lack of intelligence... disturbing.

I really doubt u are.
I referred to the healing items.
If u were DSG u would have post on infestationforums.
He never talked about a defense the castle map but he always worked on parasite 1 and 2 like maps (he told me long ago yes but he did and on forums).

I don't use that forum very much, its dead. Also, healing items work perfectly, how do they not work for you?
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
A k for android etc...
Prove it by posting on the "dead" forum ! If you want to prove it...

Why should I? I know who I am, why would I care if you don't believe me? Also, as said already, the android cannot use healing items, I don't see how you would expect it to and call it a bug.

Seriously though, this is a demo not meant to be the same as the full game. Please read the description before you make any weak assumptions.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
How could i know it wouldn't work on android and how could i know i would be android in solo player ? you know there was a fuckin black line on the screen during all game and i couldn't read there (it was in the "level" usual place).
And i told u "ok for android".
Thx for answers Cronos.
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
Updated. Provided a new way of curbing the difficulty when more players are present... rather than spawning more parasites, the parasites that are spawned have more hp so that there is less lag. Also fixed a bug concerning when players leave.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
cortezz shut up

also wether you are DSG or not i do not care, but about Parasite 2/Parasite 3, im curious to know wether you have fixed the "bug" with AI ability level stacking? As far as i remember you could easily instant kill any alien or human with just a few ability level boosters, with for example the dreadlord android.
Level 5
Apr 3, 2006
I do care about this, because I do not believe he is DSG and I can find out easily through my friend. So I will settle this soon, as for this map, as it stands now, it is a failure.

Before we go on, you do realize that this is only a demo with a completely different play style than the actual game itself? With that said, what about the demo is a failure that would relate to Parasite 3?
Last edited:
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
DarkShoGun has an account on the hive:ShoGunite and your IP adresses do not match.
Also, DarkShoGun quit working on parasite and gave the project to BSWhunter.
Apart from that, you have uploaded a map that wasn't yours earlier as well (FF IV), another reason not to trust you.

~Rejected and, after further investigation, maybe a permanent ban for stealing and pretending to be the original owner.

The only way you can prove you're DarkShoGun now is by posting something in this thread with the account "ShoGunite" (and if you've lost the password or whatever lame reason you come up with, then I will not believe you're DarkShoGun).