"Page could not be loaded" for threads

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Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
The error message "Page could not be loaded".
This happened multiple times for me on /unread threads like from e-mail newsletter. Then it happened again just now, when I opened about 10 tabs and half of them opened the error message intead of loading the thread page. Refreshing pages with errors loaded everything correctly. I thought at first this is some e-mail notifications related error, but it must be happening all the time. Maybe the sites ends up "overloaded" or there's a database error when this comes up?
Screenshot attached


  • page-error-screenshot.png
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Is related to minor net connection fails. Sometimes I encounter it as well.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
@Ralle Yes I have all kinds of adblockers and extensions on Firefox. I've tried and opened over 20 tabs in a row now with different forum threads, no errors this time. Alexen, I can't comprehend how a net drop on my end would cause me to receive an error page from the website instead of a total timeout error. This still feels to me like an issue of the website having issues talking to backend. Is there a cache inbetween?
I will report back if this happens again.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Update: while I've not witnessed this again yet, the error page probably doesn't come from the server. Xenforo (the forum software) adds a Javascript service worker to the browser. When there's no connection to the internet and you try to load any Hive page, the service worker will generate and show a page to you. You can try this out yourself.
The above makes it impossible to tell if you encounter a server error or a connection error. Next time I will try to find out if I see a service worker's page and try to get a real server reply using curl.
On Firefox visit "about:Serviceworkers"
Level 28
Jun 20, 2013
I got the same error, but given that my connections say 4mbps but rarely reach that speed, i just assumed it being to slow to load, usually it happens when is trying to load the leaves, or frost border as is the last one thing to load and just gives me message.

I use Firefox with Hive on the whitelist from Ublock and Noscript.
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