This pacman game you did is very strange. Even with the triggers you did some weird things. I don't understand why when I get a point, the "Pick Up-er" takes a rune of healing which heals 1 point while you could simply make it work by triggers by the following code:
Unit - Set life of (Triggering Unit) to ((Life of (Triggering Unit) + 1.00)
Then you make the heal effect by Special Effect command and destroy it.
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Triggering Unit) using Abilities\Spells\Human\Heal\HealTarget.mdl
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Now you can remove the useless Pick Up-er which even bothered me when I was playing.
And about the -clear command, why making three triggers with the same event while you can put them together? I'm talking about "Delete NP", "Get packman to mid" and "Delete then spawn new ghosts"
Also, I didn't understand why in the respawn ghost commands, you create the unit for (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) while you could simply make it to the specific player directly e.g Player 2 (Blue)
Something strange again is that Delete NP trigger. Why do you keep removing the points one by one by picking randomly each time a point when you can pick them all up with Unit Group like that:
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units of Type Point) and do (Remove (Picked Unit) from the game)
And now let's talk about the ghosts. They chased me in the beginning (which is wrong as in the original pacman they don't really chase me, they just walk around and eventually chase me when they are near enough) but then they stopped in the center and I could collect all points without being disturbed. So deluding not to find a trigger for ordering the ghosts to move. I don't even get why they kill me by attacking instead of killing me when I get nearby to them. You can give them a Permanent Immolation which damages every 0.01 second 100 damage in an AoE of 175-200
All that and I didn't even say a word on the terrain. You put 0 doodads in it and I much hate that. Try to put some decorative doodads in there to make the terrain more attractive. Things like banners and remains scorched which don't have a pathing texture and so will not block the way of pacman.
That's all I want to say about your map for now. Fix what I told you about and you'll get a cool map. Good luck (oh about the rating, I prefer to await the next update)