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- Jun 2, 2009
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Hello everyone. I am changing jungle system in my map but i need something like this.
When someone decides to play as "Jungler" game is adding this player in "JunglerTeam1" player group.
I have a many triggers for the neutral creeps but they are not counts when jungler summons a creature and this creature get the kill. And i am looking something like this
A unit enters map.
Owner of entering unit is in JunglerTeam1 (player group)
Can i detect something like this? Because if i do that, i can make this trigger work.
OR alternatively you can suggest another solutions. I want to make it work for all creatures summoned by this player with abilities or items. Because i can give gold for this player like this but i have to add experience for it's Hero. (OrmanciDevil = Unit)
When someone decides to play as "Jungler" game is adding this player in "JunglerTeam1" player group.
I have a many triggers for the neutral creeps but they are not counts when jungler summons a creature and this creature get the kill. And i am looking something like this
A unit enters map.
Owner of entering unit is in JunglerTeam1 (player group)
Can i detect something like this? Because if i do that, i can make this trigger work.
Unit - A unit Dies
((Owner of (Killing unit)) is in I WANT TO ADD SUMMONED CREATURE IN HERE. Equal to True
Set TempPoint = (Position of (Dying unit))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to Murloc Flesheater (level 1)
((Region centered at TempPoint with size (500.00, 500.00)) contains OrmanciDevil) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Player - Set (Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold to (((Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold) + 20)
Hero - Add 15 experience to OrmanciDevil, Hide level-up graphics
Game - Display to (Player group((Owner of OrmanciDevil))) for 2.00 seconds the text: Ormanci oldugun ici...
OR alternatively you can suggest another solutions. I want to make it work for all creatures summoned by this player with abilities or items. Because i can give gold for this player like this but i have to add experience for it's Hero. (OrmanciDevil = Unit)
Player - Set (Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold to (((Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold) + 20)
Hero - Add 15 experience to OrmanciDevil, Hide level-up graphics
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