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Overwatch is OverAWEXOME

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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Herein discuss how/why Overwatch is so awexome.


It it just. Ispo facto, quid pro quo, pro bono.

Naw but seriously, I love how they have created such a fascinating roster of characters with so much color, energy and (dare I mention...) diversity. Yet still appealing to the generic ethnic stereotypes (russian strong-person, australian criminals, american cowboy/soldier, japanese samurai/archer, india-n genius architect, swiss healer, etc).

Junkrat 4 Lyfe
Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
I'd say the PC version of the game is best, though really get it on whatever system you have the most friends to play with on. Like most games, this one is best played with a stack of friends preferably with microphones. Fantastic game, all of the heroes are fun even though it has blizzard balancing.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

They promote homosexuality in an OW comic. I'd keep the characters' sexual orientations undisclosed, whereas this counts as active take on the matter. It's a way to satisfy consumers that have strong for-opinion, and fits the PC era.

I can barely stand the cartoony art style of WC3, but it's understandable as at the time polygons were merely sufficient. With OW it's a trick to have people clearly differentiate OW from "your average FPS", to get as many consumers as possible.

Having the game on consoles is a nail in the coffin for those hoping for modding. Again, extending target platform pool gets you more consumers.

Micro transactions on a paid product. Gets you more money ofc.

Otherwise it's quite decent actually. I expected much less from Activision.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
They promote homosexuality in an OW comic. I'd keep the characters' sexual orientations undisclosed, whereas this counts as active take on the matter. It's a way to satisfy consumers that have strong for-opinion, and fits the PC era.
Wait, which one?

jondrean said:
I can barely stand the cartoony art style of WC3, but it's understandable as at the time polygons were merely sufficient. With OW it's a trick to have people clearly differentiate OW from "your average FPS", to get as many consumers as possible.
It's not a "trick"; it's an "aesthetic". Blizzard games often deal with exaggerations upon reality; larger-than-life, more-colorful, more-expressive characters & scenery. It's unfortunate that's not your cup of tea; I rather prefer the art style of both Wc3 & OW.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

This pleases the SJWs I'm sure: In the official Blizzard stories, Tracer has a girlfriend. Now Overwatch porn can have its first lesbian sex. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I can actually immerse into games. This is why I can't play Outlast even though I really would like to, also why I don't like CoD; realistic setting with realistic graphics. Warcraft II though; fantasy setting, yet where visuals aim for realism. And then there's WC3 lmao. But like I said I can forgive WC3, it was the transfer phase from 2D to 3D and GPUs weren't that good.
I'm not sure how having a bi/lesbian character is pandering to SJWs. OW is all about diversity, and apparently it also includes sexual diversity, so it's not something that should have been unexpected. By keeping characters' orientation undisclosed, you automatically eliminate an entire facet of their personality. That means you can never show or even mention the wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend of any character, gay, bi or straight. Idk, just seems like a strange complaint to me since the 'don't ask, don't tell' thing never crops up if a character is revealed to be straight.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

If I said "I don't like certain aspects of OW", would that be better? I'm explaining my opinion here, I personally don't like when people just say "I dislike this" without further explanation. For example, if I had designed YT I would force you to leave a comment before rating the video.
It's fine not liking certain aspects of a game, just that most of the time that reason is hypocritical:
Idk, just seems like a strange complaint to me since the 'don't ask, don't tell' thing never crops up if a character is revealed to be straight.
Just to clarify, this isn't meant specifically for you. It's just a general assessment of how a portion of the Internet tends to react to sexual orientation in video games in general.

But more to the point I was making, I just don't see how revealing Tracer as gay is pandering to SJWs. It would be pandering if Tracer identified as 'non-binary'.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I've no idea what pandering means in this context. Google gives me pimp. Are you referring to how the community had fan fictions on Widowmaker and Tracer?


If you try to view the comic with Russian localization: Blizzard | Comic Book Experience
In accordance with Russian legislation, we can not share this comic with our players in the Russian Federation.
Homosexuality is a real thing. Non-binary genders are made up. Widowmaker x Tracer would also be pandering, but that didn't happen.
I don't think pandering is by default a bad thing, but it becomes one when it starts to take ridiculous proportions, like if 50% of the characters were gay, that would be pandering.
Lol imagine a distopian future where the SSP raided a den of 'white supremacists' and it was on the obligatory news: "Today the Safe Space Police arrested a gang of race criminals who had taken off their white privilege tracking collars and had bi-weekly meetings about how their wives supposedly took their children away from them. The Safe Space Police had to whether an onslaught of bigoted slurs, but in the end managed to calm their PTSD and apprehend the criminals."

This is getting way off-topic, though. We should get back on track on how 'awexome' OW is... and how unforgiving it is to people who can't 360 noscope... like all online shooters, actually. *single tear*
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Lol imagine a distopian future where the SSP raided a den of 'white supremacists' and it was on the obligatory news: "Today the Safe Space Police arrested a gang of race criminals who had taken off their white privilege tracking collars and had bi-weekly meetings about how their wives supposedly took their children away from them. The Safe Space Police had to whether an onslaught of bigoted slurs, but in the end managed to calm their PTSD and apprehend the criminals."
Yea, and verily he shall be known as a prophet...


Yeah, Overwatch. I'm hoping to play some this weekend. In the mean-time, TF2!!
Why do you assume non-binary genders are made up?

He stated a belief, not an assumption.

However, I'm 102℅ certain this isn't the topic to get into that. Medivh's Tower awaits.
All these genders came into existence only recently and are merely personality flavours on male or female. Also the idea that a person can flip-flop on their gender is just insulting to transgender people.
But Kyrbi0 is right, not the place for this, so I'm not gonna respond to that anymore on here.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Let this sweetie bring us back to topic. ;) Or maybe the opposite of what the topic is as I'll point out why I think Overwatch isn't awesome.

Every time I watch an Overwatch trailer I think to myself, what an epic looking game with an amazing story that players will never get to explore... I don't think there's any trailer I've ever liked better than the Hanzo trailer yet I have still not bought the game because I know in the back of my head that his story is never going to develop past this point. Hanzo is however not the only bad@$$ character, we also have Ana, Amélie(widowmaker), Sombra and everyone's favourite lesbian Lena a.k.a. Tracer. But the sad reality is that their story is never going to be developed. Certainly I can't be the only one with this issue?
Eh, it does somewhat bother me, but it's not a dealbreaker. I mostly held-off from buying the game because during the beta I found out that I was particularly bad at this game. It's only during a discounted price period that I caved and got the game since all my internet friends were playing it. I did manage to get a bit better at the game, so I guess it was worth it.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
I love and play TF2. Does that answer your question in regards to "does a lack of story in a game bug me?" : )

Seriously though, ah dannae. Some games the story is all that matters to me, like Warcraft (I basically don't play multiplayer). Others... Not so much.

Still awexome!

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I bought Overwatch right at the moment it is released, too bad my beefy laptop can not handle it even with lowest setting.
Have you tried ridiculously low resolution?
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
My OW is installed on an HDD, and it runs fine at the highest settings. Are you sure it's not something else causing the issue? Have you contacted Blizzard about this issue? They might be able to help you.

I never try to contract them. I forgot to mention about my internet connection, its using secured internet of my university... problematic.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Even with lowest resolution. It requires a fast SSD storage drive, while mine is HDD.
I have OW on HDD. :)

I never try to contract them. I forgot to mention about my internet connection, its using secured internet of my university... problematic.
If you can't connect to battle.net (this link doesn't take you to the front page) then yes your university might be blocking the connection.
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