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Overlord 1A : Master and Conqueror

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Overlord III BETA

Want to know what you play?

You start off as one out of 4 Overlords :
- Edmond Vicious (Dark Overlord)
Edmond used to serve under the Glorious Blue Empire's banner unt'ill
he got killed in a bound to fail mission against the Elves and got retrieved
by Gnarl, Minion Master.
Edmond got revived as a Death Knight-like figure with the power of the
Nether Tower Heart. He was quickly corrupted by this and turned into
Edmond Vicious, The Dark Overlord.

- Richard the Ethereal (Shadow Overlord)
Richard the Wizened they used to call him... An old mage set off to
investigate magic tactics inside wars. He signed up for the Glorious
Blue Empire's crusades against the Forest Elves and the Ursakin Tribe,
where he was to fall under the voodoo magics of the Ursakin Shamans
and have his body cursed forever... But that didn't stop Gnarl from using
the Nether Tower Heart on his spirit and turn him into Richard the Ethereal,
Shadow Overlord.

- Rakkhar the Tamer (Jungle Overlord)
Rakkhar was a type of Furbolg hunter of a tribe that used to inhabit a
beautifull forest, yet one day the forest started... Shrinking... It were
the colonists of a small village we now come to know as Stratusburgh.
They cut down the forest and bit by bit extincted Rakkhar's tribe.
One particular day, I believe it was a saturday evening it doesn't really
matter does it? The Forest was burning and Rakkhar was trapped in the
flames... In order to preserve Rakkhar's body he used wet leaves to protect
his body from the flames. The smoke got the better off him though, and
Rakkhar passed out in the mud, retrieved by Gnarl and given a new chance in
life as Rakkhar the Jungle Overlord by the power of the Ancestral Plains...
His body never recovered though, and he started growing herbs instead of skin.

- Elrond the Constructor (Ruins Overlord)
Elrond the Constructor was the son of a night elf and a titan making him
nearly a Demigod from birth. Although his father left him and his mother at young
age, he still was very interested into creating artificial life and crafting these weird
mineral men following his commands. His fellow night elf villagers didn't share his
interest however and burned down his workshop one night, trapping all his creations
within killing them. Sadly for the village, they were being tracked down by a nearby
Naga Tribe from a place that's come to be known as "Serpent Hill". The Naga Tribe
followed the smoke and annihilated the village nearly taking Elrond's life in the attack.
The few Night elves that got away went to the nearby settlement called Leafwood
Village. The others... they were either turned into naga themselves or killed. Elrond
was found bleeding in the dead newly created desert of the forest by Gnarl and
revived by his father's genetics and the power of the Ancestral Plains Tower Heart.
Given a new chance to proceed his craft with none to judge him as the Ruins Overlord.

To be continued.

How do the teams work?

Edmond Vicious (Dark) & Richard the Ethereal (Shadow) form The Dark Legion. The Dark Legion controls the southern towers and the Netherworld.
Rakkhar the Tamer (Jungle) and Elrond the Constructor (Ruins) form The Dark Pact. The Dark Pact controls the northern towers and the Ancestral Plains.
Each with their own base divided into 2 'teams'. Weird to think off a fellow overlord as a teammate huh?
From their thrones they can command the minion hordes to go out to the nearby villages and plunder at will...

Yo guys check out ya crib!

Each tower's fully equipped with a:
- Throne room (with Gnarl to keep you updated about your progress in the world)
- Sacrafice altar (for powering up your Overlord at your minions' expense)
- Minionspawnpit (Depends what overlord you play)
- Library (contains the unlockable Q logs for command help and such)
- Treasury (contains taxes from dominated towns)
- Portal (Either to the Ancestral Plains or the Netherworld)

Check out yo garage!

Now if that isn't enough you also own a piece of the Netherworld (or Ancestral Plains) wich contains your source of power :
The Tower Heart all with their required teleports, a Minion Forge to upgrade your units and a workshop to create siege weaponry!
Should that one day come you think the other overlords sent a horde onto your dominated village once too much...
And ofcourse the quiet living quarters of your Harvested Life Force or Minion Hovels...

But... Why am I playing this?

What's the goal?
The goal every Overlord game! Dominate your surroundings, unlock new Minion Types and become the mightiest Overlord of them all!
Now why don't you go and get bashing Sire? I'm sure the minions will be glad to be taken out again...

Need more... Visual describtions?







Learn about all the cool people who helped make it better

Special thanks to...

Aleksfox (Guest here) & Jackoblades for helping in testing the 2 Player things such as the Arena and some other triggers that required 2 players to unlock...
My dad, Domzaïner and Basfromspace for feedback and aid in finding some more bugs! (They just keep showing up how do they do it?)
The creator of the Mushroom Fighter Model! (Whatever his name was :x search him up in the Models section under "Mushroom Fighter").
-Kobas- : LOTS of feedback, tips, tutorials, ...

Overlord, Domination, Control Point, Sacrafice, Minions, Horde, Red, Green, Brown, Gnarl, Grubby, Giblet, Tower

Overlord 1A : Master and Conqueror (Map)

18:51, 3rd Sep 2010 Cweener: Rejected -Kobas-'s review.
Level 1
Aug 30, 2010
Use BB Codes for the description, it is very discouraging for readers to read it. Change map type, judging from the preview image and description, it doesn't belong in that map type. Do you even know what altered melee is?

Interesting to talk about discouraging, when thats all you really do. I mean come on, the guy is a new mapper which just uploaded his first semi-beta version. and i cant even see a single positive thing in the comment... (PS. Interesting how the guy behind a ''Pimp my peon'' even has the right to comment on Hiveworkshop. Anyway, personaly i think the terrain is quite nice, sure there are parts like in the mushroom forest which could improve... if it couldnt improve, there wouldnt be a reason to comment on these maps would there? some of the parts i do like are the miscs really, stuff like the spiritual plane of the ruins and jungle overlord, oh and the park in the blue empire.

So to all you who want to critize this map : how about throwing some of the positive stuff in your comment aswell? i know it makes you feel miserable, but its worth it, trust me.
Last edited:
I didn't understand idea in your map :sad:
I killed few night elves with my hero raised them as dead an destroyed half of map :D

Command Icons are bad, 2 many workers on walls (minions or whatever) that do nothing! (open gate maybe)

Terrain is boring and empty!
Few items!
Bad ability descriptions!
Poor UI!
Poor map description!
No Credits!
No Map Preview image or custom loading screen!
Memory leaks
  • Wallguard Patrols
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order Footman 0568 <gen> to Move To (Center of Patrol Checkpoint 1 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Footman 0567 <gen> to Move To (Center of Patrol Checkpoint 2 <gen>)
      • Unit - Order Footman 0566 <gen> to Move To (Center of Patrol Checkpoint 3 <gen>)

Bad Triggers

  • Camp turns Passive
    • Events
      • Unit - Bandit Lord 0401 <gen> Dies
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads C'mon man we were j... above Mercenary Camp (Bandit) (Ressistance Bandits) 0526 <gen> with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Set BanditCampSurrender = (Last created floating text)
      • Wait 3.00 seconds
      • Floating Text - Destroy BanditCampSurrender
      • Unit - Change ownership of Mercenary Camp (Bandit) (Ressistance Bandits) 0526 <gen> to Neutral Passive and Retain color
You still need to work more on your map!

To improve map description check links:
BB Code List: Click
Color List: Click
Need pictures for your map Description? - Come here!
Map Description Templates
The importance of a Description
Polishing Your Game

Always give credits to people that helped you!
Crediting Tutorial

About THW:
The Hive includes many talented Warcraft III modders of all skill levels among its users. New members (especially friendly ones) are always welcome. Take a look around and enjoy your stay, may it be long and productive!

Some good places to start include:
Searching the site using the above link always helps, you can learn a lot that way: just reading and learning is usually the best place to start, especially if one feels overwhelmed.

Likewise, the tutorials can really teach ALL of us a thing or two.
The chat room is cool: lots of people can answer questions there.

A few other tips that might help too:
-Always search first! Did I already mention THAT?
-When creating a new thread, make the title VERY specific: so the site's search engine (and we users) can easily understand just what the thread contains.
-Post your new threads in the proper forum: read the descriptions of each one so that you know what to post there.
-If all else fails, just send me a private message! I'll try to do whatever I can to help.


If map isn't finished jet, use Map Development forum for that! You can make thread there upload your map so people can tell you what they think just like here! Also for any help with triggers or how to clean memory leaks post triggers and create threads here Triggers & Scripts! Btw if you need any help with WE we have World Editor Help Zone here on THW! And at the end if you need any resource from icons to loading screens check this out Requests!
Level 1
Aug 30, 2010
I find it awesome that no one manages to read the description

Overlord III BETA

a BETA normally indicates that its still in progress, so - you need to work more on the map - thats... pretty much... the only damn reason he put it up on hiveworkshop dont you think?
Level 2
Aug 19, 2010
Clearing things up

Dont double post
Also can you add some screenshots?

I uploaded screenshots on an album but only members seem to be able to see them... Will have to upload them to some other site or something i guess :x Here's the link :

Come on you should work on this map! It's to raw! No terrain, no good explanation!

This is just a BETA I don't even know for sure all triggers work at the moment because most of the latest triggers require 2 or more people :eek:. I'll work on a Intro Cinematic to make it a bit clearer instead of just letting players lose in their tower perhaps...

2 many workers on walls (minions or whatever) that do nothing! (open gate maybe)
They do what they you order them to do all minions in each tower that are posted on walls have some way of getting off that wall if not it's a bug and you should post it here so I can fix it :eek:.

No Credits! (Ingame)
Good point :) Will have to do something about that!
Bad Triggers !
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say with that trigger, last time I checked it worked and the point of it is the bandits become a neutral force and are recruitable by the Overlords as they don't feel like fighting anymore...

No Map Preview image or custom loading screen!
My mdx file is in it but it shows a black screen... Still experimenting with it... Any hints? the picture it SHOULD show is on the ALBUM linked in my first Reply.

Terrain is boring and empty!
I left certain areas open so I could still add some new things to it at some point like stuff for the Blue Minion Quest, more NPCs, new faction ... If you find the filled ones boring though, what would you want to see there?
Few Items!
I didn't really plan this map to be some kind of DOTA map where you earn money to improve your hero as much as possible (well I did...) but not through Items, a Overlord's strength in this map comes from sacraficing minions with the resources you earn and the strength and tech of his horde.
Bad ability descriptions!
There's very few custom abilities on the heroes and close to none on the minions... Are you referring to typo's or?

Thx for the so far attempts of testing the map guys! :smile:
I highly recommend to you to check this tutorial Polishing Your Game!
Check there what means poor ability description!

Trigger can work ok but once when you create 100 more, it will start to make problems!
Try to improve and optimize them even if you use 5/10 or 20 triggers in your map!

About workers, well you don't need so many of them!
Why not to create something like:

  1. Ancient Spirit (just random name)
  2. Can fly, can't be attacked with normal weapons (eternal)
  3. 522 Movement Speed
  4. Weak but powerful Magic (Cold will be cool) Attack
  5. Some basic spells like repair, open door etc, heal,
  6. Special Ability Spell, reduce enemy units armor, damage and so on! (Can be different for each race)
  7. Can't live castle region! (Trigger can do that, or air pathing blocker, care with second one it will block all air units, also blink or teleport ability can ignore it)
About screenshots!
Album must be PUBLIC! Then just copy BB Code into map description or any other post/thread!