Original and other same model skin problem

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Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
I don't know if this is the right thread to post it, but i'm having issues to import/export model. I was attempting to put Orc Huntress skin that is for Iron Raven/Warden, but i don't get it and doesn't show the result of the skin model that i've exported it using War3 Model Editor. Even when i try importing the other model that i've exported it, it doesn't show it in-game that i've used it. How can i resolve it? Thanks.

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do.

I'm guessing you're trying to take one skin and apply it to a different model. First, they should be lined up properly. The model is unwrapped in a particular way so that parts of the skin match up with the model, so just be wary of that. ;) For example, you can't just set the warden to use a dreadlord skin. You would have to manipulate it a little bit.

Now for the actual process for making a model use a different texture:
  • Download MDX Pather here:
  • Open it up. Click the icon that looks like a folder, and select your MDX file (your model).
  • It should show a path in the window. Just change the path to the path of your replacement texture. For example, let's say that the model originally uses:
    And you want to replace it with a custom texture, such as "RandomFile.blp". You would change the footman path to this:
    Then you would import the model + your texture. The texture would have the path "RandomFile.blp" (without the quotes).

    If you want it to use a texture within the MPQ, then you have to set it to something else. For example, if you want it to use Textures\Dryad.blp, then you would just set the path in MDX Pather to "Textures\Dryad.blp". Hit the "Save" button, and then the changes should go through.

If you have any more issues, just attach the model and the skins and elaborate on your problem a bit more.
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
If i recall it right, i think i was meant to say that "Using More Than One Skin For A Model". Note that the War3 File Converter cannot work on me because i'm using Windows 8, and i don't know why is causing it. I actually want to have different skins associated with the same model.
You don't necessarily need War3 File Converter. You can use Guesst's MDLX Converter too:

Or you can even use Magos' Model Editor by opening the MDX and saving with a .mdl extension.

But anyway, you have to explain your issue a bit more. I think I sort of understand what you're trying to do. For example, you have a footman with the regular skin. You want to import a footman with a different skin, but you want to keep the original footman. You would just export the footman model, use MDX pather to have it use the "different skin", and then import both the model and the skin into your map.

Again, if you need clearer instructions then you're going to have to explain your problem a bit better or provide the model and what skin you want to apply to it. :)
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
Allright, i might going to explain an issue a bit more, but it will have to wait until i find myself what did i do wrong of what am i doing. I'll lock this thread until i find an issue what am i doing.
Thank you though.

EDIT: I found the problem that the model isn't showing when i imported the model and skins, then exit the WE, and re-open WE, and it isn't showing the skin model that i supposed to see the result.


I'm certain that some certain models are missing the paths that is supposed to work to replace that i'm trying to do.

Image/link attached.

EDIT 2: The model that i'm trying to save the model name is unable to save. I don't know what is causing the problem.

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For the second problem, you have to add ".mdx" to the end (without the quotes). Either .mdx or .mdl.

About the importing issue, you should delete the imports. Save, close WE. Then open WE, open your map, and then import both the model and the skin, assign the path, save and then check it out. Or you can send me the map or the import that isn't working.
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
I'm gonna have to send you a map that is made by Foolhardy. Called Snowflake Isle. I edited a map for quite sometime.

BTW, before i do, how can i send you a map to you?
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
Allright, got it. Uploaded a map in pastebin, sending you a map right away.

EDIT: Thank you for fixing that textures. I don't know what was causing it though. Was it something that i missed i didn't follow?
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Allright, got it. Uploaded a map in pastebin, sending you a map right away.

EDIT: Thank you for fixing that textures. I don't know what was causing it though. Was it something that i missed i didn't follow?

The model just had the BLP path set to Textures\orchuntressironraven.blp. That's why it wasn't working. You imported it under the path "orchuntressironraven.blp". That was it. :)

I just imported it under "Textures\orchuntressironraven.blp" and then it worked.
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
Allright, so it was an unknown to me, but now i know how to make it work though. Thanks for the headsup. I'll lock this thread until i need a further help.
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