what an offensive comment...
U know, freehand is Samwise's job so it's totally uncomparable.
I dont see why I'ld add details invisibles in the game, it's useless. A skin isnt an art piece, the only problem is make it looks good in the game.
U perhaps think my skins are annoying to see, but I do things original and usefull for the modders.
It's my objective : than every modders on this site dont need to request, they just look at the skins section and they find what they want.
My objective isnt make a great piece of art on each skin because it's only good on the .blp, in the game that's another problem. The only important thing are looking good in the game, usefullness, originality. That's my opinion.
Dont talk about my draw skills, I cant submit my drawings because I havent got scanner. And I'm not exactly a drawer, I'm a painter (aquarelle, u know ?).
Freehand everything "because it's freehand so it's good" is one of the most stupid attitude I've ever see... Use filters isnt prohibed, u just have to use them good, it MUST looks good.
I'm admirative with the skinners who add a lot of little details, because they're great drawers, but I'm sorry, I think it's useless...
I know, I know, so more people will scream and said "their skin looks 100X betters than urs" and "u are just jealous".
I'm not jealous at all, I'm admirative. I dont need to be jealous.
I reach the 101 skins (101 = Zangdar) but in fact, I've done just 103 skins : I havent submitted my first, and one was deleted.
This skin is done since so far... I submit my skins when I've time... So u cant judge the time I take to do them because u dont know it.
That's the worst offense possible : "u havent worked enough". But by the hell, how can u judge ? Who are u to judge that ? A newb can work really hard to improve, he wont improve, but he have worked.
So dont judge my work on this tima I take, u cant.
And dont judge the amount of work YOU see, u cant.
And dont compare me with "Art Skinners", I cant.