Orc 04 Review & Bugs

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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
So, I finally got to test something other than my own maps for a change.
This chapter is fun, if a bit too easy, perhaps.
You receive too much lumber from Trees of Life, as mentioned before.

Also, you have three gold mines and the gold distribution in them is quite wierd. I understand that the it's how Blizzard done it, but we have to keep in mind that there are two players now. There is one gold mine in the middle that holds about 10.000 gold. That's fine. Then there's another that holds around 15000 (lightly guarded by blue elves) and another that holds 40000. (lightly guarded by forest trolls) The middle gold mine is very easily defended, so that perhaps should not be touched. However, you could redistribute the amount of gold in the two not occupied gold mines to half the total gold held by both.

Finally, there are also some minor stuff that is bugged:
  • When playing on Insane, you cannot complete the Furbolg quest, even if you slay the designated Ursa Warrior. The bug has to be linked to the replacing of the Furbolg with a more powerful version, as the quest does not update with "Return to Neeloc Greedyfingers for your reward", which would suggest that the game does not register correctly that the Furbolg was slain.
  • When receiving the end of game report, the screen does not become black.
  • Although we have destroyed all five Trees of Life, the end of game report said we only took out one.
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