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Omg I Was Just Struck With An Idea...

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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
You know how people get banned in this Forum without any say after the warning(s)? But I was thinking, how about adding a forum only for the people who 'accuse' them of something and call it The Court or Trial Dungeon, where there's something like a case going on, players can hire Lawyers and if they fail, they lose more Reputation and when they are banned, they get into a place called The Prison Cell, Dalaran Dungeons, The Dungeon or such area, where it's the only place they can post in and talk, and some moderators in there are like jail Wardens and such... Gosh it would really really be exciting and even Banned players might still be active often in Hive to promote it and such... Please try to add this idea and comment on it please... Well, cause I really feel like having it implemented on such cases where an accused has a bit of right too like, to explain why he did that and such...
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
No, at least let those who are about to get banned have a say, remember, getting banned isn't a good thing, and at least having something Last Stand in Court like they usually do will give them some hope, plus, some moderators actually just ban without erm... waiting for the accused to explain, so please... And if it's a Permanent Ban, inside the Dungeon forum you can make an area called the Execution Room, where names of Permanently Banned people would be at... This is like a Second Chance for people who don't want to commit their old deeds again, and it resembles the Yellow Ribbon Project (I have no idea why I said this), and well, at least give them a say first, even if you are 100% sure they will lose, who knows, you might learn something from them... And maybe either make certain Trial Cases able to be seen by certain players, to make it Private or you can just do it the normal everybody can see it way, but you need permission to speak...
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
That sound more like a game thing and getting banned would be fun for some an they start calling themselves Hive criminals. also don't forget about multiaccounting possibilities and that the hive staff have more useful things to do than play judge/lawyers/etc..
A banned user can easily contact a mod (in many different ways) and try to settle things with him so there is no need for all those trials.
For the Lawyer idea, what are the lawyers requirements? to memorize the Hive Rules?
Sorry but I am totally against the idea of a Liberal hive (every Admin have to go into a trial each time he does his job). I still prefer the Totalitarian hive under the Rule of Ralle and the admins.

Edit: A graveyard thing for the perma banned is not a bad idea, but the hive have more important things to make/fix than that
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