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egg alien wing wongface eater

OinkerGeosphere1 (Model)

Level 8
May 15, 2004
simple version of the egg but looks great. the only thing i would reomend is trying another skin for it. alot more vainy, orange/cream cast with red blood goo on it, so it looks organic like the egg on alien did.

the alien jumping out would be amazing but that would be alot of polys me thinks. purhaps treat this as a orc burrow were the alien face hugger can go inside it and then when someone is near you can unload the face hugger and attack the victim.
Level 8
May 15, 2004
if you made a face hugger model and made a animation were the face hugger would jump and attack face but not attach then you wont have to change all the units in warcraft. a spell can be used for the actual impregnation, like the water minion thing, parasite.
Level 2
Sep 26, 2004
the alien spider is relly cool!!!!!
and the mother to
but i dont like the perfect body of the alian
i most like the predators!!!! :twisted:
Level 7
Mar 24, 2004
well, this model needs more animations, and btw the egg is not black, it's just in avp black, but the real egg color is in the aliens movies (1,2,3,4)

And btw, they are not called "alien spider" and "Alien Mother" they are called the Facehugger and the Alien Queen! And to be even more correct, they are Xhenomorphs (aliens is just an easier name)
Level 3
Feb 10, 2004
nice and creepy :)

As for the face huggers, create an attachment model that is a face hugger static(still) then create an ability for the face hugger unit that when used on a target ( most probobaly will have to use triggers) hides the facehugger and creates the attachment to the targets head like you do wings or swords ect. That SHOULD work may need tweaking but hey...
Level 4
Jun 23, 2004
"omg congar47 are you freakin stupid? the predator model sucked, think before u write. and the queen wich is different isn't made." - warshy

warshy if u think im "freaking stupid" and you arent, then why would u request an alien model (which was already made and kicked ass). if u wanted a better predator skin then use words like "better" or "improve" to modify your senence. I also dont remember saying anything about a queen.
why dont U think before you blurt out random shit to cover up the fact that you are a moron. You are obviously ignorant and do not deserve the right to speak. I suggest you move to Malasia.
Level 3
Nov 2, 2004
Why not just make an animation where the facehugger comes out, then do a missile-model which is an facehugger, place the misile-startplace at the finished animation so it looks like it would jump out. the missle just needs do face the head of a unit, then just let it splash or soemthing and make an animation for units, like something like parasite or shadowstrike.
The egg needs a deathanimation where the facehugger left the egg already, then u just have to make the unit not to disappear after death so the egg just stays where it is. then all would be perfect, sounds difficult, but shouldn't be too difiicult for a pro-modeler/animator.

MfG JunJee

P.S.: Nice model due to lack of animations 3/5 i guess since the egg has an ugly skin :'(
Level 1
Sep 7, 2004
Ummm pplz QUIT CALLING IT FACE HUGGER the real name is parasite!! god... but the model its pretty good and i have been always wanting sum1 to make a parasite model, i hate having to use a black spider for parasites.

Facehugger sounds better than just normally "parasite", oh and btw, its called
facehugger by almost any director of the movie and in the games, so you
could say it's officially called a Facehugger.

Anyways cool model, this made me smile, I hope you also make a Facehugger and maybe an Alien Queen model. A Chesburster would also be cool! :p
Level 4
Jun 23, 2004
nope u lose. Heres what i suggest u do.
1. shit in a bag.
2. put bag over face.
3. stick face with bag on it in blender.
4. turn blender on
Level 1
Jul 19, 2004
"face huggers" are soo small, you can just use a color modified version of a forest spider and it looks nearly identical, the only thing that would be missing is its tail.
and in the 2nd movie the face-huggers werent just "projectiles" that shot out twards their victums, they had an intelligence to hide and wait for its victums to fall asleep, therefore i think the idea of using the egg as a bunker for a facehugger is much more accurate, you would just need to have the face hugger be ultra-fast, have a high percent dodge, and an ability with a doom-effect that results in the permanant spawn of an alien. easy.

as for a queen you can change the color and enlarge a hydralysk, and i think that looks damn close to a queen without having to bitch at people for doing you a favor and making you a good egg model.
the only thing wrong with the existing pred model is the close-up facial view, and if someone just added a mask it would fix it no problem.
Level 1
Nov 11, 2004
Lol ?
I already done: Egg ,facehugger, facehugger on head,
predator,predalien,queen and chestburster ...
They are in Warcraft III campaigns forum...
Not animated yet but skinned and modeled...
Two active players are helping me to animate them
When finished il post them here...
Dont pick my ideas!

Ps. Dood... no offense but my egg is way better and has real skin ... 8)
Level 5
Sep 6, 2005
(ive seen this in other alien maps) make the eggs have a parasite-based spell, only instead of the projectile being a green ball, make it a spider (makes good facehugger). Then add trigger

EVENT: unit is targeted by spell

CONDITION: <confirm what spell it is>

ACTION: Wait 10 seconds
ACTION: Create one Chestburster at position of targeted unit
ACTION: Kill Targeted unit

oh yeah btw, its called a facehugger huz it hugs your face when it inserts the parasite
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Wouldn't it be easier and better to base it off the Doom spell? unit keeps getting dmg (only seen first alien movie, but I think the human is kinda dieing too.. not?) and when he dies a chestburster spawns.
A trigger would be: unit finishes casting an ability (parasite)
Condition: unit == alien egg
actions: kill casting unit