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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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This is my first model. It was created in Wings3D from sphere.
It works propertly in Warcraft.
In <acronym title="Warcraft 3">Wc3</acronym> viewer the texture isn't display. I dont know why. If you know how to fix it please write.

Please give me credit for my work.
Do not redistribute this model without consent!

Sorry for my English.

I have created 5 animations for it, and I also reduce the file size to 76 Kb.
My model didn't disappear after death how to change it ?

Pokemon, Oddish, Grass, Plant

Oddish (Model)

21:25, 14th May 2009 LiOneSS: texture is poor :| Improve the texture, animations.




21:25, 14th May 2009
LiOneSS: texture is poor :| Improve the texture, animations.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Model is finished. It can be used for example as doodads.
I also will update it when I created animations.
All models that used custom textures has similar file size. I was searching for ingame texture, but I didn't find anything usful.

Level 5
Jun 7, 2008
lol! A Doodad Oddish! Great Idea :D For that alone, 4/5. But doodads with animations are better. so i make it 3/5 xD Also. File size is abit big for a non-animated one.. So... 2/5 >.<
IconMaker, don't show him pokemon pictures, it's his model, he may do it however he wants. I would find it annoying when people said: "It doesn't look the same as the original! Meh! 3/5"

About the model, it looks bad. You could have used in-game textures. Also, the mesh looks weird.
It has way too many polies, you could make these leaves as planes.

And honestly, this oddish wouldn't blend too well with the landscape in order to be a doodad.

Sorry to tell you, but I doubt this model is getting approved.
Level 4
Apr 25, 2009
HappyCockroach made the model of Oddish and we will see which is better.
Your comment is unfair. "And honestly, this oddish wouldn't blend too well with the landscape in order to be a doodad." It's piteous.

Why you are ratting it. Wait until i will created animations.
I know how to reduce the file size and about eyes i have picture where Oddish have the same eyes as my model. I think that there looks better than two red points.
Level 5
Jan 23, 2009
His leaves are supposed to be sprouting everywhere. There's a crescent on the right of his face.. Why? His eyes look blurred. His mouth is permanatly open. Why are his legs facing in? During the spell animations, he defies gravity. He lands too slowly.

Yes I challange you.
For reputation? I don't get it explain it.
On what principles?

And you just failed horribly. Anyway. 2/5, seeing as how i can't model
Level 9
Jun 20, 2008
Maybe change his eyes and mouth maybe u need to make it even lower filezise since when you making pokemon map you nee low filezise i give it 3/5 now while it got 5 animations still i dont like texture dark it an bit and the green leaves neet to be more lightned
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Now THAT'S funny shit right there >.<

Okay, here's the deal. HappyCockroach knows a lot about modelling, I went to find more informaiton for him, and now he's already done so much in so little time. And why the hell would you 'challenge' someone anyway? Have you seen HappyCockroach's models? You don't stand a chance unless you improve your skill miraculously overnight.

Now, the question is, can you indeed help us in our project? It would be great having an extra hand, but not if that hand is not as good as the other. First of all, HappyCockroach tends to find it difficult to share a workload, just like me :p. Second of all, HappyCockroach would not want to be baby-sitting someone, as I'm sure his response will say so.

Lol, you said he didn't respond to your massage, what's he supposed to say? Or is it just that you want him to make a little bit of noise? Lol :p
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Let HappyCockroach do the pokemon work, it looks like nothing...
The eyes, feets and the leaves are terrible!
Level 8
Apr 4, 2006
Thats a spirit of the hive. There is coming new modeler, and you basically laugh at him. Keep it up, you will have many great modelers for sure... Why do you laugh at him if he wants to challenge HappyCockroach? According to rules he can challenge ANYONE so stfu and let them make this challenge.

What about model? Its basically same quality as other pokemon models, but way too high filesize. 77KB is too high for such a simple mesh, you should optimise it alot and it will be fine. 738 poly is too high, you could make it even in 100 without any problems. Also walk animation looks bad, make him... jump, or something, not just moving legs, even zombies put more energy in walking :p Some particles also would be nice, didnt he release some dust while attacking or something? Enough for my suggestions, do whatever you want with them, its your model.
Last edited:
Level 5
Jun 7, 2008
Some people are laughing at him because of the model. Which can be arguable.
Some people are laughing at him because he "challenges" HappyCockroach. Which is less arguable that the fact that based on the model he submitted "needs allot" of improvement. And then again, if you compare it to HappyCockroach's Models (Since it is a Challenge), HappyCockroach has the upper hand based on the model he submitted and from his personal modeling experience.

Now, I wasn't on anyone's side here until I previously viewed a message in the Pokemon RPG Forums. And it seemed pretty reasonable why some people are a little bit "harsh" on him. So technically, some of these people (Like HFR and Wazz) have their reasons.

For the rest of the people who are are posting negative comments, it's their opinion actually...
for seriousness, redo the whole thing.
the polys. i really have no rights to talk about polys but 738 is too much for this kind of model
the texture. i dont know wtf is going on in it but you gotta fix it. obviously you didnt care about shadings or nothing. and there are too many junk around. all the texture you need is texture for the leaf, the body, the leg and the eyes. hell, you could probably make this with ingame texture.
the anims. the quality is bad but i guess it is to your best ability and i guess with such small creature as oddish, you wont notice it as much. i suggest you add a decay anim.
Level 4
Apr 25, 2009
I have started creating models only a week ago. I don't know many things about that and I only wanted your help because as I'm said before, I'm only a beginner.
Only dickxunder try to help me resolves my modelling problems.Thank you.The modeling questions are the most important for me, not the chalenge.
I had chalenge HappyCockroach because he is attacking my model from the first day of upload. Even with ridiculous arguments.
I was wonder how he do the Oddish model in his magic program Autodesk 3D max.

I don't know why the low poly is so important for you guys. It's takes only a few Kb more.
I'm only a beginner and I'm not so good that after few houers of time spending in 3d wings, I will be able to reduce the number of mesh.

I hope that somone helps me, and ansers for that two questions:
Why my model texture isn't display in Wc3 viewer ?
Why my model don't disapear after death ?
I have started creating models only a week ago. I don't know many things about that and I only wanted your help because as I'm said before, I'm only a beginner.
Only dickxunder try to help me resolves my modelling problems.Thank you.The modeling questions are the most important for me, not the chalenge.
I had chalenge HappyCockroach because he is attacking my model from the first day of upload. Even with ridiculous arguments.
Don't play the victim like that. What I did was contructive criticism:
IconMaker, don't show him pokemon pictures, it's his model, he may do it however he wants. I would find it annoying when people said: "It doesn't look the same as the original! Meh! 3/5"

About the model, it looks bad. You could have used in-game textures. Also, the mesh looks weird.
It has way too many polies, you could make these leaves as planes.

And honestly, this oddish wouldn't blend too well with the landscape in order to be a doodad.

Sorry to tell you, but I doubt this model is getting approved.

I was telling you what could get better.

I was wonder how he do the Oddish model in his magic program Autodesk 3D max.

Ok, we've got some myths to break. 3dsmax isn't a magical tool. It doesn't create models by itself. It just support a few features your software does not.

I don't know why the low poly is so important for you guys. It's takes only a few Kb more.
I'm only a beginner and I'm not so good that after few houers of time spending in 3d wings, I will be able to reduce the number of mesh.

I hope that somone helps me, and ansers for that two questions:
Why my model texture isn't display in Wc3 viewer ?
Why my model don't disapear after death ?

Polycount makes the game lag. But the problem isn't really about polycount, but his shape looks weird. You should flatten the main blue part, so it stops looking like a blue onion.
Your model texture doesn't display most likely because the path isn't correct. You should put the BLP file in the path the model shows, if you open the MDL with notepad you will see what is the path under the Textures function at the beginning of the code.
Your model won't disappear right away after death if you didn't change set the visibility to 0 at the end of the death anim. If it lacks a death animation, that's why.

I recommend you not taking the criticism to your model as personal critic anymore.
The more polycount, the more pressure for the wc3 game engine to take. Non-Hero units usually have about 100-400 polygons (100-200 is recommended for small units). 700 is like a very large (or boss) unit's polycount.

And the model doesn't dissapear on death because it lacks decay animations (look at a regular wc3 unit model and see what I mean).

Wc3 Viewer is good for converting textures, but for being a model viewer, it's buggy and crappy. View the model in Magos War3 Model Editor instead.
the reason why it shows up red? you need to put the texture in a folder called "Textures" because that is how you named it. If you want to view the thing in Magos Model editor like DvO said, you still need to make a folder called "Textures" and put your texture in there

and as i bloody said before, put a decay anim to fix the "my model don't disapear after death" problem. i dont say shit for no reason
Level 5
Jan 23, 2009
His attacks are criticisms. You asked for them, you got them. And now you think.. What, you are being attacked? I'm thinking Rofl. He was trying to help. In fact, you should have been thankful, instead of responding with such vehemence.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
I had chalenge HappyCockroach because he is attacking my model from the first day of upload. Even with ridiculous arguments.

Dude, srsly, learn to accept help. HappyCockroach started out as a noob, took the initiative to show us his work, and I specified what we needed in terms of filesize. He has become a fantastic modeller (starting out as very good, learning to make his models smaller in filesize) in almost no time at all. He tells you what he sees in your model, and if you can't accept that it's not great even though you admit to being a noob, then you're not going to get far. And picking fights will remove any chances of getting anywhere.