[General] Odd Style Heroes

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Level 3
Oct 7, 2009
A couple of questions.

1. How do assign a custom hero the TerranMArine sound set. In the basic WE it is not a selectable option. Solved.

2. I would like to create a hero that has no base attack value. Instead the hero buys items that will give him different attacks.
I.E. A fire orb gives him a fire ball attack, A Rifle gives him a gun attack, A Sword gives him a melee attack.

I am not so interested in the melee attack but it makes a good example. Ideally the item would be infinte use and the Hero would auto use it so that the player doesnt have to keep clicking the item.

The idea is that for one quest you would buy the item then after you could store it in a vault and switch to something new as you need it.

3. IF the above is not possible. Can you create an item that gives the hero an auto cast ability I.E. Heal, Chain Lightning
Level 9
Apr 23, 2010
The unit always has to have an attack (at least to my knowledge), but you can set the damage fields so that the unit does no damage. Doesn't matter whether your using a melee or ranged attack.

Combat - Attack 1 - Damage Base: 0
Combat - Attack 1 - Damage Number of Dice: 0
Combat - Attack 1 - Damage Sides per Die: 0

This can also be done for Attack 2, if you so choose to use either "Attack 2 Only" or "Both". Since the item adds a damage bonus, that would be the unit's attack damage.

I think if you want to auto-cast an item, it would have to be triggered.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2005
"3. IF the above is not possible. Can you create an item that gives the hero an auto cast ability I.E. Heal, Chain Lightning"

Autocast? Or automatic use on attack? If the second, use the Orb of Slow ability.
1. Create the Heal/Chain/etc. ability with the damage/heal/etc you want, make sure that it requires 0 mana.
2. Create an ability based on the Orb of Slow, in the "effect ability" put in the ability you made in step 1. Make all the "chance to hit" fields 100%.
3. Add the ability to an item. Voila.
Level 3
Oct 7, 2009
I didnt know you could have a auto use on attack item. That would be better than auto cast yes.

1. If you use auto use on attack can you have a limited number of uses. I.E. only 10 attacks to simulate it as ammo.

When my boss leaves I'll try these all out.
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