The internet
Current goal:
I am 3 paychecks away from buying a bus and converting it into a home
Future goal:
Move to India to persue a life of ancient spiritual practice for good.
Alternative goal:
Take on the governing systems of the US of NA by learning what a lawyer is taught (by the internet), possibly become a mayor or governor, or both. I don't know about becoming president, though i believe i would have a good shot at it by the average person's standards, according to my politics (the way i can relate by the way i can formulate a convincing statement.. of truth, for truth. I don't lie, so not by lies.)
I'd hope to destroy significant ignorance in all people regarding their place in this reality and especially the ignorance that has filled religion, and in doing so unite people under common, basic understanding of the human nature.
I hate politics and would rather be alone, so that's why politics is in second order.
Myself. When i get worked up over injustices, or i start formulating ideas, i will quickly get a surge of information that drains me to the point of having to stop myself (giving up), and assume that it is futile. This tends to happen when i think on a grand scale of change, and how to go about doing it. But hopefully sometime i will take that action that will actualy amount to something, and not JUST a paper, or movie.
Oh yeah, i want to direct some movies i have in mind.
I can't help but feel women to be like my own mother, or a sister, and since i am asexual as it is (asexual, not non-functioning), am pretty sure i will die alone - but happily as i am 95% of the time content with myself, soon to be 98% : )
I currently work at a hotel doing very easy manual labor.
Thanks for letting me share.