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Normal AI plays badly?

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Level 2
Aug 19, 2013
I played a regular melee map team match with my friends some days ago against the normal AI. Something strange happened, since the AI actually played quite bad. We won without finding much resistance really. I suspected something like this had happened so I saved the replay and watched it, and saw that the AIs weren't really spending their resourcesa and instead saved a lot of gold for no apparent reason. I have absolutely no idea why this happened, does anyone know?
We played 4v4, with 4 humans against 4 AIs in one of Blizzard's included melee maps. The four AIs were on normal difficulty and sligthly handicapped, and we played on normal speed (not fast). Was it caused by any of these things?
I upload the replay so you can see, the match lasted around 30 minutes. Can anyone tell me why this happened?
BTW I know we aren't good players, we don't usually play melee maps.


  • Bad AI.w3g
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Level 2
Aug 19, 2013
Yeah, I played alone against the AI a few times and i'm beginning to think that the AI screws up if you don't play in fast speed
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
It doesn't sound like there is anything wrong with the AI. I don't have time to watch the replay, but the AI computers have certain advantages, one of them being they get their resources multiplied whenever they receive any. This should go for both easy, normal and insane AIs.

I think at least some of the harder AIs also have a map hack to see the entire map. These things are to make up for the AIs lack of logical sense.
Level 2
Aug 19, 2013
I've been playing some more (and watching replays) and I see that sometimes the AI screws up more than others. I noticed that it tends to happen more when the computer's "army" can't defeat a creep camp in the early game, generally because it is too strong. It may be becauso of something else but I think this is related. When this happens the computer starts playing strange, they don't build any more buildings, accumulate resources and don't go beyond tier 1 units, at least for some time. The thing is, generally this time is more than enough to wipe the computer out completely, since they aren't spending their resources and only have tier 1. I don't know if it's related but they do get expansions in these cases, but this just means faster gold accumulation...

EDIT: Also forgot to mention, I am now playing in fast speed and the computer is not handicapped, so this was not te problem



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
The beyond tier 1 units happened to me frequently when playing against Human AI. Wc3's AIs don't behave very well, and with Waygates it's even worse, they go back and forth for no apparent reason, maybe they think their forces are divided. Insane Undead AI is the hardest of all in my experience.
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