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This bundle is marked as lacking. It fails to meet the standard requirements and may only have minor use.
Just another big size melee map.

Nordscoll (Map)

Hello new melee mapper! First of all, you have my respect for making such a large map, and also putting in a good effort in making it look nice. Unfortunately, when creating a melee map, there are many pitfalls and inevitably you have made several...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Hello new melee mapper!
First of all, you have my respect for making such a large map, and also putting in a good effort in making it look nice.
Unfortunately, when creating a melee map, there are many pitfalls and inevitably you have made several rookie mistakes:
1. Editing triggers and units: The very idea of melee is to NOT change anything that affects gameplay. I have no idea what this "wood" variable in the triggers is supposed to do, and unless you explain it, it should be removed.
2. You have probably edited the tavern becase you realized some heroes are missing.. This is because you have made other technical errors that makes the editor think your map is not supposed to be a melee map. Check the "melee map: No" text in the bottom right of the editor. It has a mouseover text. For melee maps, you should find all of these reasons and remove them, because otherwise the map will use patch 1.07 data (which is different from the current balance in much more than just having fewer tavern heros). Alternatively, you can set the game data to "melee (latest patch)", then it will also use the current patch, apart from wheren you manually changed something.
3. Also, please read the map submission rules: Map Submission Rules
The description of the map is not sufficient at all, in particular you should mention and explain the "wood" trigger.

Apart from that, there are also some gameplay issues:
4. Creeps should be set to "camp" in their unit properties, except where they are defending gold mines.
5. Several starting positions are placed too close to gold mines (this is also mentioned in the mouseover text).
6. The itemdrops mostly make no sense. In 99% of all situations, you should exlusively have itemdrops that follow the "100% change for lvl X item of class Y" formula. Compare creepcamps to standard blizzard ladder maps to find out what kind of rewards are appropriate for what kind of creepcamps.
7. Gaps between trees: There should be no gaps at all between trees. Check with "p" and "ctrl + d" and compare your maps to standard ladder maps. On standard maps, the forest locations are nearly 100% purple, whereas on your map, there are countless gaps. Trees should be placed exclusively with the size 1 or 2 circular tools, and only by individual clicks such that new trees align perfectly with existing trees. Do not plant trees by "holding and dragging the left mouse button".
8. The southern portal isnt working.
9. The distance between main buildings and trees is too long, this will severely slow down lumber harvesting.
10. Many creepcamps are placed in such a way that players will run into them by accident.
11. Taverns should be in places where they do not have creeps nearby.
12. Gold mines should usually be guarded by creeps.
13. Many of the passages/bridges leading to the shipyards are too narrow. With 12 players, the players will have large armies moving around the map, and it is no fun if all they have to move through narrow choke points as a group.

There are probably several more issues, but as you can see the map should be updated. The good news is that in principle once the majority of these issues are removed, I would expect the map could be quite enjoyable to play.
However, the following issues imo must be addressed: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Until then, map set to Awaiting Update. The rest is somewhat optional, but I recommend to make some improvements here too.