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Noob at gui + mui? Check this out!

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Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
Hey! :thumbs_up:

I am making a Tutorial Map, that teaches noobs the GUI + MUI ways of making spells. It's a really detailed map with comments that explains every action. There are also mini-guides in the map, that explains how Leaks can be fixed and alot more!

My Question here is, is there any Request YOU would like to do before I release this map? Is there any type of spell or something you want to learn more about?

If so, post it here. If there is a spell on this site that you want to know how it works, send a Download link and i'll add it to the map.

Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
actually, there is not only a difference between the words beginner and noob, they actually mean something contradictory. a beginner who is not good at stuff because he is inexperienced isnt a noob - hes a newb. a noob is someone who have been doing stuff long enough they should know what they're doing by experience, but doesnt.
Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
actually, there is not only a difference between the words beginner and noob, they actually mean something contradictory. a beginner who is not good at stuff because he is inexperienced isnt a noob - hes a newb. a noob is someone who have been doing stuff long enough they should know what they're doing by experience, but doesnt.

Thats true.
And there are almost no beginners in WC3 longer... It's a 2 old game 4 new people to start. Anyways, its "BEGINNER" friendly too..

Nobody will use it, because everyone who sees it, thinks: "Oh, only 'noobs' use this, but I'm not a noob, so I don't need this".

Not true.
If you would download this, you will notice that there are 3 levels of every spell:

- Easy
- Medium
- Hard

Every spell has a "Easy" "Medium" and "Hard" version.
The easy will explain more detailed and has a low amount of actions.
Medium has more actions and still kinda detailed comments.
Hard has alot of actions and functions with less detailed comments.

So, not only beginners/noobs will find this usefull, alot of other editors might need this too.
Level 9
Apr 7, 2008
Yea, there are always new people jumping into this. I always just PLAYED the game. Then a couple months ago i posted a couple spells, ( They got REJECTED hard), BUt I know I am still a beginner/noob. I've only been here for a couple months, and am not as far as I would like to be since I try to create spells now, that are completely original.

So yea. There would be people who would use this EXCEPT. RMX beat ya to it.... :(
Chekc out spells section!! :O
Level 4
Jun 10, 2009
Ye I saw hes.. no offence, but I am kinda sure mine is like 10x better...
In my tutorial I explain EVERY action, what they do and so on...
Level 6
Nov 10, 2006
What if a person called tutorial for fucktards, would you in your right mind go inside and read the tutorial? Well no.

Same thing for the noob and pro issue, I understand that you think it's ok but it should not be so dumb and idiotic to scold the user a noob. It's not a really nice way to attract people to listen to you.

And I would rather they learn vJASS instead.
Level 9
Jul 3, 2008
Indeed. Even if users have modded wc3 map for a half year and they want to learn how do spells, they dont have to be noobs. But they are beginners to spells.

I have never really scripted a spell, but I have done fullscreen systems with
trackables. Does that mean im a noob because im not good with spells?

I will mean im a beginner to spells
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
I have big feeling this tutorial is fail...

Besides on THW Tutorial sections are some 8 Tutorials for complete beginner...

About word "Noob", its a type of player/person who is doing more worse than beginners, they don't learn or getting up, but they are awful and are falling to down. Beginner is person WHO fully begins to learn and start to do most starting stuff and I suspect Beginner isn't same person as "Newbie". "Newbie" responds more like that he is new (New in some group example).

Also I am disgraced about tutorials in THW where is said "Tutorial for Complete Noob". It is like, you would call those who try to learn to "Noobs".

Now, If you are so "good" at triggering tell me, how you could do MUI with waits in GUI? There are few solutions, name at least one...

Best way to do MUI is in JASS, cause of Locals...
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Level 9
Jul 3, 2008
Often people call other people for noobs. Not because they sux at playing,
but maybe because they go solo and do not stick togheter with their team. Or
did a wrong tatic. Noob is more like idiot i think.

And if you mean a noob is a person who never learn, - well then he may be
a beginner that newer will come any futher. I will never call him noob.

About you wait question, it depends on what I need the wait for. If a spell
is casted on a unit and he first will tage damage after 5 seconds I will do
something like this:

udg_targetUnit is a global variable
  • Custom Script: local unit udg_targetUnit = TargetUnit()
  • Wait 5 seconds
  • Damage udg_targetUnit for 50 damage
Cant remember the trigger names, since I never do GUI, and I know the wait
not is accurate. But its possible to convert globals to locals
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
It bugs, local is variable type in JASS what only refers to function what it is put in, while Global refers to all functions and if you use waits for supposed MUI then whenever your unit casts ability and other unit casts in same time, then trigger will overwrite the first caster triggering trigger.

Also in GUI you can have only one local...

For GUI MUI there is I think only "Stack" system.
While for JASS there are a lot ways how to make MUI, cause of locals what can't be created in GUI.

Also udg_ responds for Globals...

Yes Noob is very like a Idiot and those who will learn from his tutorial will be called noobs then... If he says that this tutorial are for complete "noobs"...
Level 9
Jul 3, 2008
It is possible to trick the editor to think that a global variable is a local veriable. Vexorian discovered this long time ago

Tested it and your right, its only possible to trick it with one variable. But whatever I never use that shitty bugged GUI.
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