no scaling with attachments

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Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
Is there a way to make it so that an attached special effect does not scale larger or smaller when attached to a unit?

Right now I have a hero glow model that is scaling to a unit and it is too big. I attach it through the ability "life regeneration aura" and give that ability to the unit. It needs to be this ability otherwise the team color always comes out red.

Thanks in advance.
You could attach it and then use a trigger to change the unit's color (changing the color of the special effect)

the attachments are all bsed on the scale of the unit. Imagine attaching a sword to two unarmed paladins.
Paladin with a scale of 1.2 will have a larger sword than a 1.0 scaled paladin.

The ony way to change this would be to alter the size of the actual model.
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