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New meaning to Atmospheric Zombie Survival

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Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Hello everyone,
If you've wandered into here you must be curious about my "boasting".
People use it to get people to read there threads so I might as well to. Anyways, You are here for the map, not my ranting, so onward with the map!
Every section will be accompanied by a screenshot for visual references.

If there are any questions, you can post them here, but if you post them in the normal thread, I'd answer it either way. =]

Map Name: Epidemic
Creator: 43Berries
Players: 1-6 [Suggested at least 4]
Genre: Zombie Horror, Survival
Map Thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f202/epidemic-107597/
Download Page: Epidemic v.1.50 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

For those expecting a easy game, get out.
This game will make you think at night, it will force you to survive.
This game will push players to monitor many things as well as to keep each other alive as the infected come to finish them off every other night. No the game won't bend for you, No you will not find this easy. Epidemic is one of the Hardest maps to learn, seeing as your thrown right into the action. Same tactic used in a game called "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky".

If you find the map to hard,
Try, try again. You will eventually get it, It took me quite awhile to get to where I Am with being as good as I am at the game. People these days except to have there hands held as there given a well laid out tutorial and given giant plasma rifles to kill everything in site. Players need to be slapped with a little bit more realism now a days. That is one of Epidemic's goals, to push each and every player and force them to survive.

The "Backstory" so far.

It has been eight years after the first infections. Societies around the global community
have fallen and few governments under Martial Law have fortress cities. You are a group
of soldiers locked in N.O.R.A.D. and now resurface only to find the world you have left
behind is no longer here. You are ghosts in your own shadows...

Weapon Malfunctioning - After so many shots, the player will need to Field strip his equipment, Or else he will see a big difference in performance if it goes on for too long.
Barricades - You can barricade yourself however you want with many types of them, Also, you can pack them up, and carry them with you whenever you need a new base!
Hunger/Hydration/Heat/Energy - Things to keep monitor of, watch out one may bite you in the ass. That is, if a Zombie doesn't.
Interactive NPC's - The NPC's will talk to you, in a matter of speaking, if you click on one within a certain range. NPC's will also have to reload, YES That is right, they have limited ammo, AND have to reload, JUST Like you. So Don't get too relying on your NPC buddies. Also, with the Officer Class, they become controllable!
Ranks - Ranks, we all know what these are, simply, the higher your level, the higher your rank, not much. The rank may become real important in the future though.

The Heads Up Display

So you are looking at it, and going, "Thats not too hard."
Hunger - This should be a no brainer, everyone has to eat. Even you, throughout the wasteland you will find many canned foods to survive on and eat. When reaching near Zero you will receive a buff, and you will perform, a bit worse.
Suit Temperature - Your going "Oh another thing I Have to keep up while it goes down". Wrong, this temperature goes up, and once you reach 200, your suit will explode. In the action menu, there is a "Exhaust" button, this will open your suits vents and release the hot air. Down side, you are completely vulnerable while doing this, and even though it only lasts a few seconds, those few seconds can be fatal.
Hydration - Along with food, you will need water, its a hot desert, and your in a suit that just builds up in heat, so, you will need to drink, If you noticed to the right of it, it displays what your hydration is at. As you can see, I am currently thirsty. =P
Kill Counter - For those who are "I'm better than you!" Heres your proof. Although in some cases, kills aren't everything.
Diseases - Yes, You can catch diseases, just being close to a zombie, while hes over a barricade, you will catch a disease, overall they're are quite a few you can catch, you will be nabbing at different medicines and popping those pills as you try to find the one that gets rid of it. Reading helps a lot.
Energy - Ho ho! You were expecting the Vast environment right? Well theirs nothing real special about it so I'm going to energy. I Forgot to label this one in the picture I Might do it later, but its under the health Your mana is your energy, when you get down to almost empty, you will get dizzy, and when you reach 0, you WILL Pass out. You use energy to Sprint/Dash, open up boxes, many things. There is adrenaline littered a crossed the wasteland if you can find them. These will give you more energy to work with, so you can stay awake those late nights.
Heat - You may be going, Huh? But what about suit temperature? Yes, that is for military operatives. Civilians, on the other hand, have to watch their heat. They will have to establish a fire and keep constant watch on it.

Any other questions about the HUD, You can ask.

Day Time/Night Time

Most of you are probably going "Big Deal, anyone can do that!". The Difference, is that at night, The Hordes of infected are just sweeping towards you almost at all times. Every night they get stronger and stronger. While in the day, "Most" infected, are destroyed due to the UV Rays of the sun. That is, Most of them, you will still encounter weak zombies in the day, but they move in small groups and don't ever get stronger. Basically, in the Day, you scavenge for items, things to keep you alive, and barricade yourself for the night. At Night... you Survive. Most players will find the day boring, but It is essential, as the Zombies get stronger you will need to barricade yourself more and more in. You can find barricades, or if you have a Civilian Engineer on your team, with parts they can create new kinds of barricades that you can't just fine. They can also create a sentry turret, but overall they aren't very good at fighting hand to hand with zombies.

SO, to sum that paragraph up.
Day = Collect, barricade, prepare for Night.
Night = Survive.

Classes and Ammunition

There will be many types of classes to pick, but everyone needs ammunition.
Even the Civilian engineer, he needs ammo for his sentry gun. Four ammo crates will spawn all the types of ammo, one near the beginning and 3 in other places marked on your map. Sharing ammo is essential as other classes may share the same type of ammo with you.


The environment is very well crafted, a wasteland of ashes and rubble as survivors barely able to survive. The Awe of the environment might play role in the map in the future, but for now, it basically serves as looking real nice.

Variety of Infected.

The Variety of infected so players will keep on there toes. Some infected may use tools, such as melee weapons, others might even through a Molotov at you... I'd be careful, and watch for flying objects. Some infected are tough and slow, some are fast and weak, others use objects. These are just a few of the infected in the picture there are more.

They will find you.

This is a no brainer. They will come for you, no matter where your at, So watching your back is essential. But watch out, not everyone is coming straight for you, some might just be waiting for you in places.

Never stopping Infected

If you ever played the game afterlife, you will know there zombies pause, a LOT.
Epidemic's infected never stop moving, at all, EVEN When all the players die, there still on the move, always looking for people to eat. The infected are ruthless and will stop till nothing, to kill you.

Here is a variety of screenshots to show some of the game in action.

ATTENTION Epidemic is looking for a Jass user, or vJass user to script for it, please message me if interested.

Update List
Cleaned up, made easier to read.
I've added Interactive NPC's, to the features.
Added Heat, to the HUD section.
Added Ranking to the features.
Posted Wanted Ad.
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Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
looks awesome. I might play it a bit later tonight.

As I said,
I Suggest at least 4 people, This game is very hard for new players, not only do they have to struggle versus zombies that don't stop at all, and that come in HUGE Groups. They have to balance there food, heat, and ect.
All I have to say is have fun, and post up some suggestions and stuff. xD
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Its been a little bit over a month since I last posted,
So I Guess I'm going to post again.

More of a bump to get it back on the front page. =P
If anyone has questions about Epidemic, message me, and I'll do my best to help.

for the Bug Issues, We are probably aware of them, and they will get fixed.
Over time, Epidemic is kind of looking for someone that can write Jass, or use vJass.

Happy Zombie Killing!
Level 5
Jul 4, 2007
Looks like a nice map, but I think it's vaulting to say it's a 'new meaning' to the atmosphere. It appears to do a lot of things well, and have a lot of features of other maps, but the problem is, to be a 'new' meaning, it has to have something new. So it has unstopping zombies? That's an improvement on old maps, not anything new... It has a variety of zombies? You saw that in every map from the most basic to the most advanced. Variety of classes, weapons, and ammo? We've seen that in almost every zombie map out there. Maybe it's the map statistics that seem circa Wilderness Survival (Food, Temperature) added in that's supposed to make it 'new'?

I definitely would agree that it is a well crafted map, perhaps one of the best zombie survivals, but I just don't see the new.
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
I definitely would agree that it is a well crafted map, perhaps one of the best zombie survivals, but I just don't see the new.

I understand where you come from,
But the term "new" comes with the features not imported into a Zombie Survival,
With Heat, Food, and ect.

I'm glad for the compliments though, Thank you, =]
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Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Fixed Various bugs reported by Ischaldirh, Thank you!
-Redone the Supply Spawning, Again.
-Lowered Day time Spawns
-Fixed 60 Damage scopes to give right damage.
-Bandages Fix Flesh Wounds & Facial wounds.
-Shotgun classes have bigger spill range
-Gave Zombies some, Color. =]
-Changed Orders Icon not to confuse it with the Stand up Icon
-Fixed Floating AA Gun
-Removed Many useless Pathing Blockers and added more to areas that needed them.
-No Civilian Loot System
-Redid ENTIRE Gun Ballistics for Balance
-Changed Ammo Stocks & recharge times
-Added Ammo Clip Models
-Removed the Ability to have 101 armor from too much agility.

Remember people post bugs!
I Have one big one that I NEED To fix before I release v1.60 and Phil isn't being much help.
Course he wasn't much help in this version anyways. Thanks everyone for posting!
Level 3
May 4, 2009
i knoe u mentioned this game was hard but i think its too hard try keeping it as simple as u can. i was playing with 4ppl and we died..very very easily and also add wild life i mean if u dont want deers and camels then add corpses and blood etc.
note : at the start please put in brackets the difficulty levels like
survivor (easy) ? not sure lol..
nice map though
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
i knoe u mentioned this game was hard but i think its too hard try keeping it as simple as u can. i was playing with 4ppl and we died..very very easily and also add wild life i mean if u dont want deers and camels then add corpses and blood etc.
note : at the start please put in brackets the difficulty levels like
survivor (easy) ? not sure lol..
nice map though

It should be quite simple, You shouldn't of died THAT Fast, unless you Picked Epidemic.
The First difficulty the NPC GUARDS can handle all if not MOST of the zombies. So If you picked Epidemic, Yea, then the game is tough.

With the new Ballistics system its gotten easier.
I Can survive the second difficulty with a level 1. But I've played for at least a year on many older versions. So, you probably picked the hardest difficulty. The one on the top is easiest, the rest just get harder.
I will see about the brackets, take care, and please try the game again with the next patch! =]

Also if you look around,
You can find squirrels, pigs, and deer, they are just rare.
Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
Jesus Christ.
Sorry everyone, I'm retiring from this project. Phil, is being an irrational moron.
I had balanced the guns for game play purposes. Phil viewed the AK-47 being to, "weak" so gave it an extra 60 damage, ruining the balance.

Than he claimed it was for Experimental purposes for balance.
Hes already set us back by beginning work on an old map, loosing much bug fixes.
Now hes destroying any system I had created left in play for the games fun & balance factors.

Goodbye everyone.
Expect useless classes, rigged characters, bad ideas, and no more skins from me.
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