Ok, you asked for it Blue, here is more information on my map!
1)Map Name- Last Stand
2)# of PLayers- 8
3)# of Computer Players- 2
4)Teams Protectors(working title) - Monsters (working title)
Basic Information:
This map is a combenation of 2 popular map genres. Which r Survivor maps (Troll Tribes,Tom Brown,Ect., where players build buildings, items and other things. The second genre is Hero Defense (Doolmites,HEro Line Wars?,ect.) where each player controls 1 hero to protect a certain object, if the object is destroyed then u lose! I will compare and contrast what this map has in common and what it doesn't have with these 2 genreas!
-Item Creation ( unit picks up a stick then another stick then a steel bar (triger works) = Flimsy Dagger is created.
-Newbie Time ( if their hero dies in a certain time limit they will be revived, or in this case, a certain "wave" limit they will be revived)
*Doesn't Have
-Hunger,Heat,Warmth,Energy, ect.
-P v P ( Players vs. Players)
Hero Defense:
-A selection of heros which can be chosen, only 1 copy of a hero can be made ( like their can't be to Blade Masters)
-Somthing 2 Defend (Duh! Lolz){Don't know what, tohugh!}
-Waves of monsters ( like what u see in td and mauls)
-Bonus Cash after waves r over.
-Preparation Time between rounds (working on how much)
*Doesn't Have
-Lame Gold or Rigged Hero Cheats
-Overpowered or under powered waves of monsters (like a peasent for round 1 then 50 knights round 2)
Ok, that is the basic over view of what this map is about!! Any more questions