meh - if I saw it while it happened, I might have a hard time restraining myself, but I would try too :roll: I know it sounds harsh and coldhearted, but everytime I see people get hurt in a somewhat crazy accident, like if they get hit by a car, and the victim flies a meter or two, or if someone accidently is struck by a dart - I saw this one, the dart penetrated the cheek of the poor sot - yes, I would laugh as a first reaction - its twisted, but hey, maybe its better then paralyzing, eh? - btw. I'm not saying I don't share symphaty with the poor bastards that recieve theese kinds of damages, only that I find such things comical
here's a scenario for you - had amerika nuked iraq, and later discovered that "woops - no weapons of massdestruction" I would've reflected on it for about 2 seconds, then realize the irony and laugh my but off - but I would still have supported any humane organisation devoted to help the victims, in the best way I could