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New/Custom Dungeons?

Should We Include Additional Custom Instances?

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Not sure if it's completely necessary, but it may be fun to do; should I create a new dungeon designed by me? Or should we settle with only the original WoW instances?

Regardless, all original World of Warcraft instances such as Ragefire Chasm will be included, but the poll decides whether we include additional instances that have not been introduced into any of the World of Warcraft games.

Your votes and feedback are appreciated.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Ohhhhhh... I ran into this point to in my project too. Here is my opinion on it:

It would be difficult to add a custom dungeon that would be actually beneficial to the players without entirely replacing one. Blizzard spread the dungeons pretty well across the levels and locations. So, I believe it would be pretty worthless.

However, that does not stop you from adding to the endgame. You could do so either through 5-man dungeons or large raids. If you kept C’thuns difficulty on release, you could implement a raid between Temple and Netharion (Although, Cthun is already classified as tier 2.5). If you weren’t in love with the current tier of raids you could always push naxx back and call it “Tier 4” move Cthun up to “Tier 3” and then fill in the empty spaces. Or, you could even connect your own custom Tier 4. Theres lots of possibilities with raids. Also, you don’t have to shy away from adding more lvl 60 5 mans. 10 mans could also be added, as there were few in the classical, but I always felt they were unnecessary in the game compared to the 40 mans, 25 mans and instance running.

The only other gap I can think of that might fit in is a level 10-15 dungeon. (Which could be interesting).

Whatever new stuff you decide to implement I will help with voiceover talent to make it fit!

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
My plan, if this poll gets enough votes in favor of custom instances, is to create both an endgame instance and a 10-16 instance. The endgame instance will most likely be 5 man, since there isn't enough of them. The lower level one... not sure what to do really. To make it more relevant than grinding for experience, I'd probably have to throw in a couple custom quests too, while the endgame one doesn't necessarily require any custom quests and just needs good drops... custom drops I guess.

I actually never though about including the real tiers and their drops. But come to think of it, that'd be a good idea. Not sure if we should continue into the expansion tiers too, but might do it anyway. We can save that topic for another thread or poll I guess. :smile:

Thanks for your input Asomath. If you'd like to help out with voiceovers for our custom instances, I'd appreciate that!
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Oh yeah, Ragefire Chasm will be playable first to fulfill the fact that our goal is to recreate Wow, and not to create a sort of extension to it at such an early stage. So some real instances will come first, and then custom ones come in. Wailing Caverns is going to be insanely difficult to do since that place is a maze and has multiple layers the players can walk on. The Deadmines and Ragefire Chasm will come first probably, and maybe that instance in Stormwind... forgot its name. Never really done it before TBH.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
Oh yeah, Ragefire Chasm will be playable first to fulfill the fact that our goal is to recreate Wow, and not to create a sort of extension to it at such an early stage. So some real instances will come first, and then custom ones come in. Wailing Caverns is going to be insanely difficult to do since that place is a maze and has multiple layers the players can walk on. The Deadmines and Ragefire Chasm will come first probably, and maybe that instance in Stormwind... forgot its name. Never really done it before TBH.

The Stockade.

I think we should just do only WoW instances, as we are trying to make this game as WoWish as possible.
Level 3
May 6, 2009
I would like custom instances + real WoW ones. also is there something you can do with the camera view? it gives me a nautious stomach ache lol. Like a standard warcraft 3 view from above and you move screen etc?
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
It's fine. It'll be cool when you enter an uber-uber but doable dungeon with the WC3:WoW staff as bosses yielding drops that does nothing.
Level 7
Dec 18, 2008
If you add custom dungeons (BAD idea in my opinion) do them after you have done everything else :)
It's more importing to do the original wow first :grin:
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Perhaps have an option to turn the dungeons on or off but they start out as off. Lets say you put in a code that will grant you access to a certain custom dungeon in the game. These codes can be obtained easily off your website or will be listed in the end game credits, which I would personally put after beating Naxxramas.

For example: The code "Play that funky music right" will unlock a dungeon of Murloc DJs getting down and partying it up and they're not in the mood for gate crashers. You must find the owner of the club and return his head to the troll playing the drums outside so the troll can believe in real music again.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
I like the idea of adding more Instances to it.. it would make the game more appealing to those who have passed WoW basically and finished Endgame content.

If you ever need ideas IF custom instances are being added, im full on creativity, and id be happy to help :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I'm surprised to see you're still a part of the modding community Shadowz, and yeah, maybe I'll go around for advice and ideas for instances when the time comes. But as suggested above, we have more important matters to take care of first, such as systems and cool features, spells, and terraining the noob zones still.
Level 2
Mar 12, 2009
It would probably take a lot of imagination to get it to feel like WoW. I like the idea of custom dungeons though, interested in what you have planned.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah, I have a few custom instance ideas in my head and even know what I'll be doing for an end-game instance boss fight. But, as said, the team will first tend to at least three real instances from World of Warcraft. The ones I have on my list are Ragefire Chasm, The Stockades, and... I really hate Wailing Caverns, so probably Deadmines... I hate the Alliance, so there's no favoritism. Deadmines is my favorite instance in the entire game and I love running it, so might as well get the ones I enjoy out of the way first.

All these years, I've never done the Stockade. Apparently, on my Alliance server, all instances are closed and you cannot get into them. This is due to the low population of our server and it is a low priority to WoW.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
I haven't seen shadow in forever haha, surprised as well to see him around still.

This is definitely something that will keep the game running for people later on in future updates of course. Something that should be added later on (If you guys aren't worked to death at the end of it all)

God I hated stockades... Most ally just skipped stockades and grinded/quested in WF till around 16-18 to do DM.

Hopefully when you make Dire maul you will be able to get the materials and of course bypass all the bosses so you can get the tribute chest!?
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
Blizzard left out really awsome forces in Pre TBC. And yes, if you do make tiers, you should extend into T4, like Asomath said. And a problem I find, is that a lot of the tiers come purely from one instance.
T0.5: ZG only
T1: Molten Core only.
T2: Most from BWL, 1 from Onyxia
T2.5: All from AQ40
T3: Naxxaramous Only

But, if we added some new ones...

T.5: The peices from ZG, added by peices from a new 20 man raid, Uldum
T1: Half is from Molten Core, the other half along with item peices of the set come from a 40 man raid, Stonemother's Sanctum
T2: 1/3 is from BWL, 1/3 is from Onyxia's Lair (stretched out, more bosses) the last 1/3 is from a new 40 man raid, Mount Hyjal
T2.5: Half is from AQ40, the other half is from a new 40 man raid called "Caverns of Time"
T3: Half is from Naxxaramous, the other half is from a raid called "Invasion of the Scourge" (Will explain)
T4: All is from one, very long 40 man raid, (It's kind of split up into 3 raids, but they are techniquely all one raid) Called the Maelstrom

The new raids I mentioned
This is not actually all of Uldum, It's the first line of defence in Uldum. The rest is behind a massive gate that no one can open.
"Within these halls, lies the secrets of the Titans. Within these halls, lies your death"
~Furlorn, Watcher of Stone

Stone Mother's Path
This is a Raid in Descolace, which is basicly like Molten core with it's below BRD only Stone Mother's Path is below Maraudon.
"Did my brother's fall? Yes. Will I fall? Never again! Come and fight!"
~The Stonemother (it's one of the Old God's luitenants, like Ragnoros. I forgot the actually name of her, so atm she's just Stonemother :p)

Mount Hyjal
Mount Hyjal is a raid where Players travel to the corrupted lands of Mount Hyjal, where archimonde attempted to siphon the powers of the World Tree. In his wake of chaos, lies forgotton horrors...
"No quote"
~Someone without a quote

Caverns of Time
This is not the Caverns of Time 5 man dungeons in TBC and wrath of the lich king. This is the Caverns of Times where a war against the Infinate Dragonflight occurs. You are aided by other members of the fight during the raid.
"You cannot outwit time itself, mortals"
~Unknown Leader of the Infinate Dragon Flight
(The last boss looks "similar" to Nozdormadu, adding to the rumor that he is Nozdormadu, but there is no proof. He is not slain, as much as just runs away)

Invasion of the Scourge
This is not as much as a raid, as much as an event. After players defeat the impossible chalanges of Naxxaramous, they are attuned to this Event. They can start the event and will face the unlimited horrors of the scourge attempt to retake the Citidel.
"This land is mine, not one spark of life shall remain"
~The Lich King
(Again, players see him, but they don't fight him. Infact, at the end of the dungeon, he presents himself, unleashes a boss, and then he watches. After the boss dies, he says)
"Bah... we shall meet again... and be warned... Naxxaramous WILL be retaken!"

Taking a boat to the Maelstrom, (Kind of like a cinematic, they crash in the tempest of it) They get a debuff which will decrease their stats, you know, cus they're weakened by the tempest. In this dungeon, they will fight foes such as Azhara, queen of the Naga.
"Visitorsss... The lassssst time I had compony wasss... Defend the maelssstrom! Thessse mortalsss shall be consssumed by our power"

Just ideas. I find they kinda gay myself, so yea. Don't add them if they seem gay to you too.

Sorry I don't have any boss fight ideas or anything, it's kinda late ::con:
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Blizzard left out really awsome forces in Pre TBC. And yes, if you do make tiers, you should extend into T4, like Asomath said. And a problem I find, is that a lot of the tiers come purely from one instance.
T0.5: ZG only
T1: Molten Core only.
T2: Most from BWL, 1 from Onyxia
T2.5: All from AQ40
T3: Naxxaramous Only

But, if we added some new ones...

T.5: The peices from ZG, added by peices from a new 20 man raid, Uldum
T1: Half is from Molten Core, the other half along with item peices of the set come from a 40 man raid, Stonemother's Sanctum
T2: 1/3 is from BWL, 1/3 is from Onyxia's Lair (stretched out, more bosses) the last 1/3 is from a new 40 man raid, Mount Hyjal
T2.5: Half is from AQ40, the other half is from a new 40 man raid called "Caverns of Time"
T3: Half is from Naxxaramous, the other half is from a raid called "Invasion of the Scourge" (Will explain)
T4: All is from one, very long 40 man raid, (It's kind of split up into 3 raids, but they are techniquely all one raid) Called the Maelstrom

Didn't think about separating the tier drops. A good idea in my opinion. Warhammer Online did that and it was nice because you can search for a dungeon that drops what you need, rather than doing a dungeon that drops multiple things and has an even greater chance of not being your drop. Will probably look into it, but we'll see.
Level 8
May 7, 2007
(big wall of text incoming...)

I know this is quite an old thread, but I think it's new enough for me to put some action into it, because I believe that this is an interesting thread.

I do and I don't like the idea. I liked Evillizard's idea about creating the new instances and spreading out the WoW tiers, but I think it also may have some downfall.

I feel in MY opinion that this should go as wow-like as possible all the way up to tier 3. Once you have all the vanilla wow stuff re-created, then you could start adding custom instances and raids, but only after it is released.

For example; say we've finished it all. All the way to Naxxramas and T3. I know this is a Cataclysm reference, but I really loved it, and it really doesn't tie into the Cataclysm, WOTLK, or TBC lore. Heroic Remade Dungeons. Deadmines for example. First instance I did, and I loved it. Recreate a version for people in...T1 gear. Doing the Deadmines will get you non-set items, but epics. (Gosh, I know I didn't realize but I'm thinking way ahead right now for the project) Anyways, they'd get epics from Heroic Deadmines to help them do BWL/Onyxia, T2. So they'd have T.1 and some extra non-set items like bracers from the heroic.

Then say, we have a Heroic Shadowfang Keep. Same idea; probably would want T2 to do it, gets you epics for AQ...Naxx.

I am thinking ahead of the game, but I guess the main gist of my post is...(no, not for a huge wall of text)...to say that I really think that custom stuff should be pretty relevant to...I guess the lore but not bring them away from that feel of playing Vanilla WoW.

Whew. Sorry about the long post.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
To be honest you didn't really have to gear up for MC it was just FR and learning how to do the strats.

I don't think there is a need for items to that extent to make the game easier.

First off, if you are new to this thread, you wouldn't know but I am against BC/WoTLK like no other. I hate how they just made everything too damn easy. I think it should be left the way it is, and IF people are finished with the game (which I doubt will happen for a long time after release) they can ask for custom instances etc.

I think you get enough gear from crafting/instances/getting attuned that you don't really need to make the game easier...

Also I vote that we should get an AQ event and a timer gets thrown up if it is completed in that time, we get the black bug mount.
Level 4
May 26, 2010
Cracka, I got a question. Are the cities in another map seperate from the zone they're in?

Just wondering because I rarely frequent this project and I have a cool idea.
Level 6
Jan 15, 2010
Cracka, I got a question. Are the cities in another map seperate from the zone they're in?

Just wondering because I rarely frequent this project and I have a cool idea.

They sure will be! In WoW, ogrimmar and stormwind have seperate maps when you enter them, ofcourse you can see it as well in the demo version(if you ever knew about it or just didnt want to test it)!

Hey mr. Cracka, I want to suggest something! Instead of making bunch of pve instance zones, why dont you focus on making like more battlegrounds with different variations of wins. As well you should focus on making something like "difficulties" in the bgs for people(because im sure gona play the hard or insane or masohist or what ever is the hardest bg difficultie :grin: ).

After playing WoW for like 4-5 months, I again miss the old WC3 and its WoW,ITT,UA2 and so on maps. That proves how a different game is WC3 from WoW and it gives you different feeling as well it feels more magical. So dont listen to people who say "this gona fail coz im pro at wow", it just proves how much they ever played WC3 rpg maps. I only hope as well that you wont make the map completely "WoW", instead of that you could make some of your class and talent ideas so it can feel even more WC3:rexxar campaign(that campaign was epic,... atleast for me!). Sadly WoW were not with my expectations and proved verry different from that campaign and WC3.

Sorry for bad english, trying my best to learn it :goblin_boom:
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