DHunterR200 said:
Werewulf said:
Why? just because i can code a webpage and you don't?
then you must also fail...if you're a mapper, but i wouldn't think that of someone, jus because of that.
I dont care if i cant code, "boo frickin hoo" that i cant, i dont give a rats ass if i can or cant, i have no purpose for it . If wanted i site and can simply ask one of my friends who enjoy and use their coding for non fan-clan crap..
Secondly i am not a mapper, why the fuck would i be a mapper? god...I dont make maps, i dont want to make maps, i have no need to make maps and i no longer play wc3.
Third, this is advertising, and if its in your sig, there is no reason there should be a thread about. and the link doesnt work, and dont make up gay excuses "oh..its got a ! in it, that doesnt matter..im sure people know that i stupidly mispelt it"
Thats basicly mispelling a link to dl a game from an archive with huge as long url. No fucking one is going to try and guess your spelling mistake even if its something as stupid as adding a ! to make it look cool, they wouldnt bother fixing. and the the way your acting and sooking and your mispelling of the url ..just doesnt make you look like anyone would want to join your clan unless their probably related to you.
So.. if its in the sig, and it works properly in the sig..THEN WHY IN GOOD GODS NAME make a thread about it when the link doesnt work!?
Your sig does much more of a frickin purpose than this stupid advertising thread..that doesnt even have a working link.
god...and i thought made horrible threads...but you my sir, once again my sir, you take the number 1 trophy.
ill probably expect some dumbass reply, go ahead, show me what you got "dude".