Inside EscMenuOptionsPanel.fdf v1.20b(war3Patch.mpq)
i found a network button data. In the game this button is not displayed(tere's only Gamplay,Sound and Viedeo) and i'm not sure if it's possible to activate it:
In older versions of the file there isnt such thing.
If someone has an idea...
sry if the post isnt in the right section;[/quote]
i found a network button data. In the game this button is not displayed(tere's only Gamplay,Sound and Viedeo) and i'm not sure if it's possible to activate it:
Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "NetworkButton" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
SetPoint TOP, "SoundButton", BOTTOM, 0.0, -0.002,
TabFocusNext "OptionsPreviousButton",
ControlShortcutKey "N",
ButtonText "NetworkButtonText",
Frame "TEXT" "NetworkButtonText" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonTextTemplate" {
Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "OptionsPreviousButton" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
SetPoint BOTTOM, "EscMenuOptionsPanel", BOTTOM, 0.0, 0.03,
ControlShortcutKey "P",
ButtonText "OptionsPreviousButtonText",
Frame "TEXT" "OptionsPreviousButtonText" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonTextTemplate" {
// ** Network Panel
Frame "FRAME" "NetworkPanel" {
// --- labels
Frame "TEXT" "LowLatencyLabel" INHERITS "EscMenuInfoTextTemplate" {
SetPoint LEFT, "LowLatencyRadio", RIGHT, 0.005, 0.0,
Frame "TEXT" "HighLatencyLabel" INHERITS "EscMenuInfoTextTemplate" {
SetPoint LEFT, "HighLatencyRadio", RIGHT, 0.005, 0.0,
Frame "TEXT" "ExtraHighLatencyLabel" INHERITS "EscMenuInfoTextTemplate" {
SetPoint LEFT, "ExtraHighLatencyRadio", RIGHT, 0.005, 0.0,
In older versions of the file there isnt such thing.
If someone has an idea...
sry if the post isnt in the right section;[/quote]