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[vJASS] Needs some tester

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Because i don't have WE/JNGP in this PC and my other PC was so far to this location,can i ask somebody to test this WIP?
library DebugLog /* v1.0
*    Allows you to print messages in Warcraft 3 In-Game and writes them
*    inside a .bat file. Run the .bat file and it will download the text document
*    where the messages are written. The messages will be written along with the 
*    elapsed game time. All .bat files will go to Warcraft 3\\Map Errors\\DebugLog
*    folder.
*    API
*    Struct Log extends array
*        static method add takes string s returns nothing
*        - Prints the messages(if ALLOW_PRINT is true) and writes it in the .bat file
*        static method clear takes nothing returns nothing
*        - Clears all written messages
*        static method update takes nothing returns nothing
*        - Creates the .bat file
*        private static method buffer takes nothing returns nothing
*        - Autocreates the file (and updates the document) every 0.031250000 timeout
*    Settings
*   Map Name
*   ------------------------------------------
*       Put the map's name here.
*       This is for you to easily find where
*       the log is.
        private constant string MAP_NAME = "YourMap"
*    Folder
*   ------------------------------------------
*       This is where the log will be created
*       Recommended not to be touched
        private constant string LOG_FOLDER = "Map Errors\\DebugLogs\\"
*    Allow Print
*   ------------------------------------------
*       Allows you to print messages in-game not
*       just outside.
        private constant boolean ALLOW_PRINT = false
*    Allow Auto-Update
*   ------------------------------------------
*       Allows you to update the document
*       automatically.
        private constant boolean ALLOW_AUTO = true
*    Credits
*        Doctor Gester
*        Magtheridon96
*        Geries
*        Nestharus
        private string array l
        private integer i = 0
        private timer t = CreateTimer()
        private integer mil = 0
        private integer sec = 0
        private integer min = 0
        private string lastRecorded
	*   Document Header
    private function Header takes nothing returns nothing
	    call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  ************************************************************************************* >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *     Warcraft 3 Debug Log                                                            >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *         Logs of " + MAP_NAME + "                                                    >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *     --------------------------------------------------------------------------      >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *         Statistics:                                                                 >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *         ------------------------------------------                                  >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *             Number of Lines : " + I2S(i) + "                                        >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *             Last Recorded Time : " + lastRecorded + "                               >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *    --------------------------------------------------------------------------       >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
        call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *             Time:                               Message:                            >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
		call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
    private module Init
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call init()
    struct Log extends array
        static method add takes string s returns nothing
            local string mils = I2S(mil)
            local string secs = I2S(sec)
            if mil < 10 then
                set mils = "0" + mils
            if sec < 10 then
                set secs = "0" + secs
            set lastRecorded = "[ " + I2S(min) + " : " + secs + " : " + mils + " ]"
            set l[i] = "echo *        " + lastRecorded + " : " + s + ">> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt "
            if ALLOW_PRINT then
                call BJDebugMsg(s)
            set i = i + 1
        static method clear takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer id = 0
                exitwhen i == id
                set l[id] = ""
                set id = id + 1
            set i = 0
        static method update takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer id = 0
            call PreloadGenClear()
            call PreloadGenStart()
            call Header()
                exitwhen id == i
                call Preload("\")r\n\t"+ l[i] + "\r\n\t(\"")
                set id = id + 1
			call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  *                                                                                     >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
			call Preload("\")\r\n\t echo  ************************************************************************************* >> " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt \r\n\t(\"")
            call Preload("\")\r\n\t start " + MAP_NAME + "Log.txt\r\n\t(\"")
            call PreloadGenEnd(LOG_FOLDER + "Download" + MAP_NAME + "Log.bat")
        private static method buffer takes nothing returns nothing
            set mil = mil + R2I(0.031250000 * 100)
            if mil > 99 then
                set mil = 0
                set sec = sec + 1
                if sec > 59 then
                    set sec = 0
                    set mil = mil + 1
			if ALLOW_AUTO then
			    call Log.update()
        private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
            call TimerStart(t, 0.031250000, true, function Log.buffer)
        implement Init
Last edited:
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
            set mil = mil + R2I(0.031250000 * 100)


            set mil = mil + 3

both perform the same function and the second one is faster, though im not really sure what your trying to accomplish with this statement.

Also, what is the purpose of writing a .bat? Why not just write the .txt?
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