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Need Terrain Help

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Level 9
Mar 16, 2008
Could someone make an Azeroth Terrain map? Like in Azeroth wars or Levdragons Warcraft 2? Also if you do, make sections for Outland, an orcish prison area with a large blank spot where I could make the prison itself, and also a large cave area, will update if I think of anything else :)

Btw if you're wondering about the orcish prison thing, it's for a trigger event I'm going to make, there is going to be a neutral Passive Alexstraza somewhere in the map, the event is "Race for the Queen" Nekros is going to be able to capture Alexstraza but if the Dragon Flights player can get her first, then Dragon Flights gets her as a hero, if Nekros succeeds the prison will have a Neutral Passive Alexstraza in the large prison dome and Nekros will be able to train dragon whelps and after a certain amount of time he get to train drakes, then after another amount of time he gets to train Full grown Dragons :)
And yes Deathwing -will- be included in this game, but I'm not telling how yet >:D
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
So... You want someone to undertake a very time consuming terraining process? This stuff doesnt take 5 mins, not even a day, for something like this, could take QUITE a while, and asking someone to just do it for free is... well it wouldn't happen.

This is a pretty big request.. Why not try to do it yourself?
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