Need some Tank models.

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Level 2
Jul 1, 2010
I need tank models for that campaign I've been working on. Trust me, I tried making them myself. It didn't end well. I need a light tank, medium tank, heavy tank, superheavy tank, and a fortress tank (a tank like a fortress). I am more than ok with the modeler being creative with them. In fact, I don't care what they come out as at all, except
A)They need to be tracked. No hover tanks.
B)They need to have the armaments I described in the post for the campaign.
C)Please make them look like their appropriate classes. I know that's kinda obvious, just saying.
I will give many +reps to whoever give me a hand here. Sence really, that's all I have to offer.
Level 2
Jul 1, 2010
Don't get me wrong, I'm using General Frank's spectacular tank models (those. models. are. GODLIKE!). But I wanted to have something, you know, unique for my campaign. I hope that's not arrogant or snobbish, but that's the truth. response to Crimson-Guard's post... I will see what I can do.
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