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Need some help on a spell...

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Level 2
Sep 10, 2007
I just some help on the triggering of the spell. The spell creates an image (dummy unit) whenever the hero is attack. The image appears on top of the attack unit, attack once, then disapears. I got it all to work...except the disapearing part. All the images just stay there and continue to attack. Please help me!


Just need some help with another spells trigger. This spell is a thunderclap that sends chain lightnings at all units that are hurt by the Thunder Clap. I already have the dummy unit with chain lightning and everything, just not sure on the trigger. Thanks again.
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Level 7
Jun 10, 2007
Create an expiration timer on the unit.
An expiration timer causes the target to die after X seconds. Also, i suggest you make a second trigger which removes the illusion when he dies, or else the illusion plays the death animation.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
I suggest editing the dummy's attack cooldown as well to around 60 seconds. (overreaching, I know.) This ensures that even if the dummy is under effect of an attack speed aura, it only hits once.
Level 2
Sep 10, 2007
Thank guys for helping me on the first spell. It seems to work great now. I just need some help on the second spell. The one where it casts thunder clap and it also casts chain lightning at all the affected units. Thanks a bunch :grin:
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
For a single chain lightning when Thunder Clap is cast, create 1 dummy when you cast Thunder Clap, add an expiration timer worth 5 seconds or so, order it to cast on an affected unit.

For a chain lightning on every affected unit, you'll need to use the action you'll have to follow the actions I'm listing below:

For each (Integer A) from (Number of units in (Units within 512.00 of (Position of (Casting unit)) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Casting unit))) Equal to False) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)))) to (Number of units in (Units within 512.00 of (Position of (Casting unit)) matching ((((Matching unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Casting unit))) Equal to False) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)))), do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at (Position of (Casting unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit - Add a 5.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Far Seer - Chain Lightning (Random unit from (Units within 512.00 of (Position of (Casting unit)) matching ((((Triggering unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Triggering unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Casting unit))) Equal to False))))

There's another way to do it, but requires you to use a negative valued Healing Wave instead of Chain Lightning. That version allows you to send one chain lightning to each affected unit, but is harder to customize, and is very tedious to adjust the dummy abilities to match with the Hero skill level. I'd post it, but erm... it's tedious... and it's 9:22 here. I'm sleepy. I'll give it to you if you're unsatisfied with this trigger some other time. I'm also checking the other version for bugs, particularly wether it's MUI... Gudluk with whatever you're using this spell for, dude.
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