Need Model Format Conversion

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I have 2 models for my Halo UTM. And I need them in .mdx.

One of them is .obj, the other is .obp.

If anyone helps by converting, or telling me some facts about these model formats that I don't know, or finds me someone that can convert these models, then they will receive +6 rep (over time) and credits.

So, if you know you can convert these model formats, PM me and I will send you the models. Thanks.
Thanks guys. I've sent it to everyone of you. Don't worry about the textures. I've included the .obp, if anyone can convert that one, it would be nice, but if you can't, just focus on the .obj.

I have another request. I've also gotten a .3ds file. If anyone can convert that into .mdx, they will receive and additional 2 rep.
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