Halo Ghost Model: +rep for help

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Hello modellers.

If you can convert MAX models to .mdx format, I need you to take a look at this post(or simply scroll down to post 9), and convert the .MAX model into .mdx.

I acknowledge that chilla_killa made this, Superz ze Man animated it and Goolygot wrapped it.

Anyone who fulfills the above, will get +4 rep and credits.

For my Halo UTM. Thanks.
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Alright, Goolygot, I'd like you to UV Map it first. Make sure the wrapping is easy for me to understand and edit. You should take a look on google if you don't know what the Ghost looks like(with colour). Revillo, I'd like you to start on the death animation after Goolygot has finished. +2 rep for both of you now, and the rest when you've finished.

EDIT: ^^I never double posted, okay mods!

EDIT 2: Also, as I've made a thread already, and additional +2 rep will be given to the person who can fix this model's 'hand,right' attachment point so it would fit one of Fingolfin's guns.
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Level 12
Sep 1, 2008
Here is the wrap. The second one is 256x256, the first is just to look on.

What is the round thing on the model, on the "tail"?

Edit: My exporter don't want to export model with animations now, so I will give you the .max file. So someone else can convert it.
View attachment Ghost.max
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