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Level 6
Jul 24, 2008
Hi! I'm a naturally creative person, buuuuuuut! I'm having a difficult time thinking of original heroes/abilities for an AoS map i'm making. So, if you don't mind, post your hero ideas and any spells to go along with it. I'm trying to make the heroes each follow a "theme" (ex: fire, stealth, undead, etc.) so if you could make the spells related, then great! Individual abilities are also fine. I may use them as creep abilities, or add them to existing heroes. Thanks so much!

-If you would like to be credited for your ideas, just say so along with whatever information you want me to include.-
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I made these for someone else here, but you are welcome to use them if you can trigger them.

HERO NAME: Beholder
PROPER NAMES: Broggok, Shirrak, Collidus, Xeleth
MODEL: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=94370 (Note: this model is on Warcraft 3 Campaigns ands you might neeed an acount for it)
MAIN STAT: Intelligence
MELEE: No (use Lightning Attack with the Serpent Ward projectile)
ROLE: Damage

The Beholders are one of the many races inlisted to the ranks of the Burning Legion from long-lost worlds. Like most demons, they are disloyal and will only follow the Legion if a more powerful demon is present to force them to do so. Unfortunatly for the Legion, however, adult Beholders rival Eredar in power, and so many of them have gone rouge to pursue thier own interests. Their demonic roots still apear, however, in thier tendancies to use the hellish powers of the Twisting Nether to destroy thier foes.

Eye Laser Frenzy
Allows th eBeholder's attacks to hit multiple targets by bouncing from the initial target. Number of bounces increases with ability level.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...od-141844/?prev=search=eye&r=20&d=list&page=2

Meteor Strike
Calls a meteor down on the target area, dealing damage on impact and creating an indestructable meteor at the target that deals light AOE damage (immolation). The meteor shatters after a short period of time.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnsummoninferno-154856/?prev=search=meteor&d=list&r=20

Hellfire Spawn
Creates a Hellfire spawn next to the Beholder. It will seek out the closest enemy, and when it finds a target it will violently explode, dealing AOE damage in a radius around it. If the Hellfire Spawn is killed before it finds a target, it will not explode.
ICON: Summon Lava Spawn

The Alliance scout force had found a demonic mining site, manned by Draenai slaves and guarded by a Beholder. The creature was, at the moment, speaking with one of the slaves, but the exact words couldn't be heard. The creature laughed, with the slave groveling on the ground in front of it. The Beholder wasn't impressed, and used it's signature attack - the eyelaser - to blow the arm off the offending slave. Ignoring the cries of it's victim, the Beholder barked something at the other slaves, sending them back to work. The party chose that time to attack.
Apparently not startled, the Beholder immediatly cast a spell - some kind of fireball - at them. The slow-moving projectile was easy to dodge, however, and the party ran right around it. Met by eyelasers and a meteor, the party avoided all of those and met the creature and it's slaves head-on. The skirmish only lasted a couple of seconds, however - the fireball from before collided with the party's priest, incinerating him and detonating in a firey explosion, destroying the Alliance party and several of the Beholder's slaves. Laughing at the ashes of it's foes, the Beholder turned it's attention to it's remainig slaves and the mine.

Creates a slow-moving projectile that moves to it's target. When it reaches said target, it will explode, killing the origional target immediatly and dealing a large AOE damage effect. The projectile moves slowly enough that it can be evaded indefinitly, but it would be wise to get an invulnerability potion or anti-magic shield ASAP. Use the Dragon fireball misile for Doom.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ectile-149287/?prev=search=meteor&d=list&r=20

HERO NAME: Dungeon Keeper
PROPER NAMES: I can't think of any right now...
MODEL: Keeper of the Grove, with this creepy skin:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/reaperofthegrove1-60934/?prev=search=reaper&d=list&r=20
MAIN STAT: Strength
MELEE: No (use the Chimera acid)
ROLE: Support

When Cenarius created the Keepers of the Grove and the dryads, they split into two groups. The first, and the majority, tended the forests, vowing to protect them with thier lives. A smaller group instead fell in love with the underground environment; and together with a group of Night Elf followers they descended into the underground world to protect it from the corruption of the Burning Legion and, later, the Scourge. Thier long time in the underground has changed thier appearance, giving them a much more horrifying visage than any of thier Grove Keeper brothers. Together with thier Night Elf followers, now th eDeep Elves, they are shunned by much of Night Elf society, and so keep largely to the underground realms. Every once in a while, a Dungeon Keeper will return to the surface to preserve the ties between the Night and Deep Elves, and to show that they are still loyal to the Night Elf mission to safeguard nature and Azeroth. They will join in any conflict that happens to be going on at the time, bringing thier powerful underworld powers to bear on thier enemies. Like th eGrove Keepers, the Dungeon Keepers utilize natural elements to defeat thier foes; but, because of the nature of the underworld, thier enemies die much more violently than any foe of a Grove Keeper.

Entangling Thorns
Those that enter the Underworld seeking to do harm will find more than harm coming to them, in the form of the spiked roots of the giant mushrooms that live there.
Well, it's just a renamed Entangling Roots spell with a diffrent model (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ik-104878/?prev=search=entangling&d=list&r=20). Don't worry, I have more creative spells in mind for him.
ICON: Entangling Roots

Spawn Mushroom
Mushrooms are the most abundant source of life in the underworld - and therefore the most eaten. Many have developed defenses against predators, the most common of which is poison. This particular kind of mushroom releases poisonous spores in a cloud around it, poisoning all those that go near. The Dungeon Keeper has befriended many of them, and they will not poison him or his allies - but doubly focus on those that are opposed to him.
This ability creates a Mushroom at the location of the Keeper. This mushroom has an aura that poisons nearby enemies, much like Plague Cloud.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnmushroom-146842/?prev=search=mushroom&d=list&r=20

Spider Eggs
The Keepers use a combination of spider venom, mushroom spores, slime bodies and other nameless ingredients as thier chosen projectile. Every once in a while, a fertile spider egg can sneak in there, ready to hatch when the opportunity presents itself.
Spider eggs is a passive ability that provides a chance to spawn a spiderling on an attack. The spiderlings are fairly weak, but permenent.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...154678/?prev=search=spider&r=20&d=list&page=2

As the Dungeon Keeper walked into the light, he was temproarily blinded. It had been years since he had been abovefround, due to the growing hostility of the Night Elves and his brothers, the Grove Keepers. But he feared that hostility would become war without constant interaction between the two peoples, and so he had volonteered to go this year to the Night Elf capitol near Terradrissol. As he walked through the forests, he marvelled at how diffrent it all was compared to his own underground environment. He was so lost in his observations that he failed to notice his Night Elf pursuers until they stood before him. Startled, he opened his mouth to speak, only to have them shoot a volley of arrows at him.
"I am not your enemy!" he cried as they shot at him again. But they ignored him, and while the arrows had little chance of killing him, he was angered.
"Too long has the power of the underworld been hidden from your eyes," he called amidst the arrows. "Too long have you sneered at us, thinking us evil and stupid as well as without power. But I shall show you the power the underworld when it is angered!"
The area around the Keeper began to rumble. Cracks in the ground appeared, and the shaking grew to the point that trees began to fall. Amidst the destruction, the Keeper stood: and from the ground in front of him erupted a wave of spikes. When they reached the hostile Elves they erupted into the sky, impaling the hapless Elves on thier tips. Pulling down shortly after, those that were not killed were left broken on the ground, unable to act.
"The underworld is not as forgiving as the forests," the Keeper remarked to noone specifically. Turning around, the Keeper returned to his underground lair to consider the results the encounter would bring.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnimpale-147756/?prev=search=spike&d=list&r=20

The mushrooms summoned by the Keeper can use this model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...6243/?prev=search=mushroom&r=20&d=list&page=2

HERO NAME: Terraformer
PROPER NAMES: Sandskin, Sandsting, Stoneclaw, Rockbiter
MODEL: Purple Arachnathid
ROLE: Support

Like all elements, the earth needs it's champions. The Black Dragonflight, children of the earth, served as the guardians of thier element for ages, but the corrupting influence of the Old Gods sent the majority of the Blacks into madness, causing them to turn thier backs on the earth and instead embrace destruction and chaos. So the earth created a new race of champions, one that would be resistant to the influence of the Old Gods. So the Terraformers were born from the bowels of the earth, living to protect the rocks and sands from defilement. Enormous arachnid creatures, the Terraformers sport vicious natural weaponry, rock-solid carpaces, and the support of the very earth itself. As children of the stones and sand, they can call apon the surrounding earth to aid them and thier allies against all that would threaten the earth that makes up the world.

While there are many Terraformers, they are elusive, spending time in thier subterrain colonies or communicating with the earth. When the stones are threatened, however, they will be quick to ally themselves with whoever is on the opposite side and destroy the enemy that threatens the earth. They have a special love of Night Elves, and hatred of demons, undead, the Black Dragonflight and the Old Gods.

The soldiers began to despair. Fighting the mindless undead monsters while dodging the dark magics of the necromancers at the same time, they were beginning to be overrun.
As the undead monsters flooded in, the earth began to rumble. A wall of solid rock sprung up right in the middle of the undead swarm, throwing many into the air and stopping the tide of undead.
Creates a wall of earth that cannot be passed and blocks line of sight, preventing enemies from shooting your army. The stonewall will expand and last longer, depending on hero level.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnfire-150289/?prev=search=earth&d=list&r=20
Graphic: Use a combination of temporary terrain deformations and line-of-sight blockers to create this. If you need help, I can trigger it.

The tightly-grouped demons were cutting down all that came at them. Clustered about thier warlock, they broke the tide of soldiers that came like a wall. Moving forwards, they could not be stopped. As they neared the citadael, however, a spike of earth erupted right through the formation, throwing demons in the air and crushing the warlock caught on the tip of the spike. The remaining demons were too stunned by thier fall to resist the soldiers, and were dispatched easily.
Spike creates a temporary spike in the ground, dealing damage and stunning enemies caught by it. All units, allies and enemies, are thrown back by the spike. The spike blocks line-of-sight, and grows in power with increased level.
ICON: Impale
Once again, temporary deformations and LOS-blockers are your friends, and once again I can trigger this for you if you need it.

Presence of Earth
As the soldiers gathered about the Terraformer, they grew bolder. With thier very skin reinforced with the stone that the Terraformer loved and protected, enemy blades broke on and arrows bounced off thier skin.
Allies near the Terraformer gain armor bonuses, based on the level of the hero.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnearthsphere-94253/?prev=search=earth&d=list&r=20
I have run out of ideas for this hero, so this ability wil simply be a renamed Devotion Aura. Don't worry: it's ultimate ability will not dissapoint.

The army, and defeat, grew nearer and nearer. As they marched through the ruined cities and devistaded armies, they met no opposition. But as they neared the last citadael, one dared to oppose them. Rising from the ruins, one soul dared to oppose them, victorious apon the battlefield! But as the Terraformer rose from the ruins with an ear-shattering bellow, the very earth beneath thier feet vibrated with malice. Stone walls erupted from the ground on all sides, sending the fringes of the army flying through the air. Boulders erupted from the ground, only to smash down again on hapless soldiers. All through the carnage was the Terraformer, ripping through the enemy ranks and being challenged by none. But there was no escape: those who tried to run were met by a merciless, unyielding stone wall. When the cliffs fell and the carnage revealed, the surviving allies gave a ragged cheer: for alone, as sturdy and indestructable as the earth it came from, stood the Terraformer.
The Arena creates a private battlefield for the Terraformer to destroy it's enemies in. The walls, like it's other abilities, throw enemies into the arena and stun them. Boulders will fall into the arena, damaging enemies. After a period of time, the walls will collapse and any survivors will be free to flee in terror.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnarmageddon-58581/?prev=search=earth&d=list&r=20
Well, the Terraformer's Ultimate is about as epic as I can imagine an ultimate to be. Like all the other abilities, I know exactly how to trigger this, so if you need help just give me a call.

HERO NAME: Defiler
PROPER NAMES: Putrefaction, Pollution, Blemish
MODEL: Arachnathid, with this skin: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/arachnathid-blp-151725/?prev=r=20&page=3
MAIN STAT: Intelligence
ROLE: Offensive Spellcaster

The Terraformers have made many enemies over the centuries. One of these enemies, thirsty for revenge, made a raid on a small settlement of Terraformers. His mission was to collect Terraformer eggs, and he succedded. With no clear goal in his warped mind, the defeated enemy set out to create creatures that could rival the Terraformers. Magical experements and exposure to demonic, necrotic and other evil energies, and harsh and oppressive training and upbringing created the Defilers, evil and powerful creatures that rival the Scourge as a threat to the world. Killed and eaten by his creations, the Defilers set out to create thier own lives, but with one thing engraved into thier minds from thier time spent under their creator: destroy.

Defilers have become the sworn enemies of thier forbearers, the Terraformers. Spreading death, decay and chaos wherever they go, the Defilers are feared by every living and non-living creature ever to set foot in Azeroth and, more recently, Draenor. Because the origional Defilers were given radically different training and magical exposure on an individual basis by thier master, they are a varied lot: you never know what you will encounter when you fight a Defiler. Only one thin is certain: it will hurt.

Rot Aura
As the soldiers pushed up the enemy lines, their goal got nearer and nearer. But thier armor becan to deteriorate, more so than the enemy strikes could account for and sometimes right in front of the astonished eyes of the soldiers. The puzzle was answered when a Defiler leaped into the middle of the weakened soldiers and began tearing through unresisting armor and flesh.
Rot Aura will decrease nearby enemie's armor. Armor decreased is based on hero level.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnrustedarmorcr-90198/?prev=search=armor&d=list&r=20
No triggers needed for this, just a bit of switcherooing with Devotion Aura.

The ragged group of soldiers had hacked down the monsters, conquered the fortress and it's treasures, and were now at rest. A wertched scream peirced the air; one of the victorious fell to the ground, his skin flaking off and the flesh beneath twisting and mutating. Rising up, a foul mockery of his former self, he turned on his bretheren and began tearing them apart with his bare hands. He felled three men before he was destroyed, and the foul smoke arising from his corpse made the survivors sick to thier stomachs. In the shadows the Defiler waited, preparing for another spell. An hour later, the next horrid scream ripped through the air...
Corruption turns a low-level creature into a vicious monster that will attack everyone, friend and foe alike. When it dies, it will debuff nearby units, decreasing thier attack values.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...7chrome-155366/?prev=search=decay&d=list&r=20
This spell would be pretty simple to make. Higher upgrades allow more powerful targets, or perhaps add the afore-mentioned debuff-on-death ability.

Carrion Swarm
The Defiler was cornered, it's dark magics exhausted. Despite the many corpses of valiant heroes laying around it, the last avenging warrior was poised to make the final blow that would make the nightmare end. But the Defiler had one last trick: a dark swarm of creatures rose from it's carapace, and moving towards the luckless soldier began making a high-pitched screeching noise. Enveloping him, they began biting and tearing at him, consuming him alive. Clattering in it's twisted laughter, the Defiler escaped to rest and spread havoc once more.
Carrion Swarm is a DOT spell, slowing down the target and dealing damage over time. Increased level increases duration and damage.
ICON: Carrion Swarm
As the Defiler is weak for a melee hero, it needs to be able to run away. This combined with Corruption can give a Defiler many options when running.

The angry horde desended on the Defiler's lair. This time, the creature would not get away; this time, the monster would die. To everyone's suprise, the Defiler was waiting out in the open for all to see, quite against it's normal tactics. The Defiler made the awful, clattering sound that passed as laughter for the creature, it made a gesture at them. An entire group of the army began screaming and clawing at thier dissolving flesh, falling to the ground and thrashing in agony. They didn't stay there long; rising to thier feet, the misshapen, hideous monsters began tearing apart thier former allies. Amidst the screams, moans and sounds of death, the Defiler sat calmly, watching the carnage with satisfaction. Years later, even, nothing would grow on that accursed place, and anything built on that damned ground would decay and collapse.
Defile is a sort of mass corruption, turning a group of enemies into mindless zombies. It will also prevent any buildings being constructed on it and create a circle of blight on the target ground.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btndnd4-146293/?prev=search=death&r=20&d=list&page=3
This spell will destroy most armies very efficently, and can turn a Terraformer's precious army into evil zombies. They have the debuff-on-death that Corruption gives.

NAME: Firewyrm
PROPER NAMES: Perhaps Firelord ones? I can't think of any that don't sound like one of his...
MODEL: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/redbasilisk-146213/?prev=search=basilisk&d=list&r=20
MAIN STAT: Strength
ROLE: Raw Damge-Dealer

The wild Wyrms, distant cousins of the Dragons, have powers over the elements similar to the power the various Dragonflights hold over thier respective elements. The Firewyrms are the most agressive and destructive of the Wyrm race, reflecting the personality of thier god, Ragnaros. They will often leave thier homes near volcanoes and subterrain lava lakes to find adventure, and what better way to do so then hire out as a mercenary on the dawn of a war?

Like all Wyrms, the Firewyrms were blessed by an elemental lord, Ragnaros in thier case, giving them limited control over thier respective element. They spend time in thier lairs, guarding the treasure they gained over thier lifetime and, in the case of a mated pair, thier eggs. While they are not very social, they will at least greet other wyrms they come across in thier travels, and pay at least a passing interest to the events in the outside world.

The necromancers had only a single foe standing before them: a bright scarlet worm, the height of a horse, blocking thier path to the citadael. Figuring it an easy fight, they sent thier zombe minions at the creature, hoping to do away with it. Unexpectedly, a wall of fire erupted right in front of the lumbering horde: and before the necromancers could stop them, the zombies walked right into it. Those that made it to the other side quickly burned to ashes or were dispached by the creature.
Firewall creates a wall of fire at the target point. While units can walk through this, doing so will result in large damage done to the offending creature, and a lesser DOT from it's still-burning state.
ICON: Flamestrike
Using a fire doodad would work fine for this ability. Higher levels would increase the size of the wall and increase the damage done by it. It also damages buildings.

The raiders foolishly decided to rush the creature straight-on. The ensuing wall of fire only caught the last few of them, and not as badly as it could have. But as they neared the monster, the air around them heated up; by the time they reached the monster, the heat was overwhelming. Several of the raiders collapsed, and those that didn't could hardly stand against the fury of the Wyrm. The survivors quickly decided to flee; that is, those that weren't out on the ground from heatstroke.
Heatstroke causes nearby units to run the risk of suffering a heatstroke, stuning them for a short duration.
ICON: Incinerate

Lava Spittle
The Keeper was angry, and the Night Elves could sense it. A Flamewyrm, creature of fire and known for violent fits, had invaded his groves, and it would pay. When the group came within sight of the offending Wyrm, they opened up on the creature, aiming to take it down before it could reach them. But, to their utter amazement, the monster spat a stream of searing lava into the lead huntress. They quickly retreated amidst flying lava, planning thier next move.
Lava Spittle gives the Flamewyrm the ability to become a ranged attacker, along with it's normal attacks. It has a smaller damage range than a normal attack, making it less than the ideal attacking method, but if there is no alternative it can get the job done.
ICON: Fireball
Yes, it's just a ripoff of the fireball ability, but it can be quite useful for the Firewyrm. It adds a bit of versatality to it, allowing it to attack enemies from afar with it's less-damaging Lava Spittle before engaging melee opponents with it's powerfull melee attack. It can also use a combination of Lava Spittle and Firewall to add more problems for the enemy.
Actually, you might be able to base it off one of the autocast arrow attacks, like the Searing Arrows the Moon Priestess has. The problem is that I don't know if it would work or not, and if it did the player would need to constantly turn it on/off to swich from ranged to melee.

Heart of Flame
The Paladin had tracked the monster to it's lair, and led his army head-on into the tunnel that led down into the volcano. Emerging in a large chamber, he gave out a rallying cry and rushed the apparently sleeping creature. Caught off-guard, the Flamewyrm had no time to summon a firewall and instead had to meet the enemy head-on. But the Paladin had been prepared for this fight, and the mighty Wyrm was soon close to defeat. Bloody and battered, the Wyrm retreated, putting a firewall inbetween the combatants to give it a moment to rest. The monster that burst out of the firewall a moment later was much more fearsome than the defeated Wyrm from a moment before. Engulfed in flames that burned only it's enemies, and striking with reknowned fury and strength, the creature drove the invaders from it's cave with a victorious bellow. Had the survivors come back later, they would have found the Wyrm resting again, bloody and battered, but alive.
Heart of Flame can save a Firewyrm from near death, or give it an edge in battle from the beginning. When it is used, the Wyrm will be restored to full health. Not only will enemies suffer heatstroke, but they will also take damage as long as they are near it. The Flamewyrm will also get bonus attack and attack speed, and can defeat any enemy in head-on battle.It will, however, slowly loose life until only 25% of it's max health remains.
ICON: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnpheonixfire-153809/?prev=search=fire&d=list&r=20
Inspired by the legend of a Phoenix reincarnating from it's ashes, this ability can save a Firewyrm from certain death. While it can be used at the beginning of a battle, it is best saved for the worst-case scenario.

Good luck with your map.
Level 6
Jul 24, 2008
Well how well can you trigger? You may want to tell us what you can't do before we starting getting into territory that you can't handle

I can make most spells in GUI very well. All i want are ideas. I can decide if I can or can't do it so just hit me with some ideas. =D

I made these for someone else here, but you are welcome to use them if you can trigger them...

Good luck with your map.

Thanks a lot. I may use these. =)
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