NAME: Firewyrm
PROPER NAMES: Perhaps Firelord ones? I can't think of any that don't sound like one of his...
MAIN STAT: Strength
ROLE: Raw Damge-Dealer
The wild Wyrms, distant cousins of the Dragons, have powers over the elements similar to the power the various Dragonflights hold over thier respective elements. The Firewyrms are the most agressive and destructive of the Wyrm race, reflecting the personality of thier god, Ragnaros. They will often leave thier homes near volcanoes and subterrain lava lakes to find adventure, and what better way to do so then hire out as a mercenary on the dawn of a war?
Like all Wyrms, the Firewyrms were blessed by an elemental lord, Ragnaros in thier case, giving them limited control over thier respective element. They spend time in thier lairs, guarding the treasure they gained over thier lifetime and, in the case of a mated pair, thier eggs. While they are not very social, they will at least greet other wyrms they come across in thier travels, and pay at least a passing interest to the events in the outside world.
The necromancers had only a single foe standing before them: a bright scarlet worm, the height of a horse, blocking thier path to the citadael. Figuring it an easy fight, they sent thier zombe minions at the creature, hoping to do away with it. Unexpectedly, a wall of fire erupted right in front of the lumbering horde: and before the necromancers could stop them, the zombies walked right into it. Those that made it to the other side quickly burned to ashes or were dispached by the creature.
Firewall creates a wall of fire at the target point. While units can walk through this, doing so will result in large damage done to the offending creature, and a lesser DOT from it's still-burning state.
ICON: Flamestrike
Using a fire doodad would work fine for this ability. Higher levels would increase the size of the wall and increase the damage done by it. It also damages buildings.
The raiders foolishly decided to rush the creature straight-on. The ensuing wall of fire only caught the last few of them, and not as badly as it could have. But as they neared the monster, the air around them heated up; by the time they reached the monster, the heat was overwhelming. Several of the raiders collapsed, and those that didn't could hardly stand against the fury of the Wyrm. The survivors quickly decided to flee; that is, those that weren't out on the ground from heatstroke.
Heatstroke causes nearby units to run the risk of suffering a heatstroke, stuning them for a short duration.
ICON: Incinerate
Lava Spittle
The Keeper was angry, and the Night Elves could sense it. A Flamewyrm, creature of fire and known for violent fits, had invaded his groves, and it would pay. When the group came within sight of the offending Wyrm, they opened up on the creature, aiming to take it down before it could reach them. But, to their utter amazement, the monster spat a stream of searing lava into the lead huntress. They quickly retreated amidst flying lava, planning thier next move.
Lava Spittle gives the Flamewyrm the ability to become a ranged attacker, along with it's normal attacks. It has a smaller damage range than a normal attack, making it less than the ideal attacking method, but if there is no alternative it can get the job done.
ICON: Fireball
Yes, it's just a ripoff of the fireball ability, but it can be quite useful for the Firewyrm. It adds a bit of versatality to it, allowing it to attack enemies from afar with it's less-damaging Lava Spittle before engaging melee opponents with it's powerfull melee attack. It can also use a combination of Lava Spittle and Firewall to add more problems for the enemy.
Actually, you might be able to base it off one of the autocast arrow attacks, like the Searing Arrows the Moon Priestess has. The problem is that I don't know if it would work or not, and if it did the player would need to constantly turn it on/off to swich from ranged to melee.
Heart of Flame
The Paladin had tracked the monster to it's lair, and led his army head-on into the tunnel that led down into the volcano. Emerging in a large chamber, he gave out a rallying cry and rushed the apparently sleeping creature. Caught off-guard, the Flamewyrm had no time to summon a firewall and instead had to meet the enemy head-on. But the Paladin had been prepared for this fight, and the mighty Wyrm was soon close to defeat. Bloody and battered, the Wyrm retreated, putting a firewall inbetween the combatants to give it a moment to rest. The monster that burst out of the firewall a moment later was much more fearsome than the defeated Wyrm from a moment before. Engulfed in flames that burned only it's enemies, and striking with reknowned fury and strength, the creature drove the invaders from it's cave with a victorious bellow. Had the survivors come back later, they would have found the Wyrm resting again, bloody and battered, but alive.
Heart of Flame can save a Firewyrm from near death, or give it an edge in battle from the beginning. When it is used, the Wyrm will be restored to full health. Not only will enemies suffer heatstroke, but they will also take damage as long as they are near it. The Flamewyrm will also get bonus attack and attack speed, and can defeat any enemy in head-on battle.It will, however, slowly loose life until only 25% of it's max health remains.
Inspired by the legend of a Phoenix reincarnating from it's ashes, this ability can save a Firewyrm from certain death. While it can be used at the beginning of a battle, it is best saved for the worst-case scenario.