liquidity (passiv)
the liquid element is hard to be cut...
Whenever <this> is dealt damage, there is a <x>% chance, that <this> will get a little bit of it self seperated from the rest.
If that happens, that rest becomes a minor spawn. (whether permanent o rnot is up to you - i love permanent summons, but they are hell to be balanced)
wetten (activ, channel)
beeing wet itself it can also call for more if itself...
<this> calls for rain (channeling). After some time, the water that has gathered around it will form into minor water spawns.
absorbation (passiv)
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, water to water
Whenever it rains, <this> regenerates hp and mp and gets a small movementbonus.
geyser (activ, delayed)
water that gets close to heat gets boiled...
<this> reaches for the water deep underground and sends it even deeper. After some time a geyser emerges somewhere close to the targeted position. (AOE, stun, throw into air)
bloodmagic (toggle)
Blood an dmagic have one in common: they both are the core of live.
Once activ, <this> uses his hp (1hp = <x>mp) to cast spells instead of his mana.
forbidden barier (passiv)
deep within everyone there is a place that better stays sealed...
If <this>'s manasupply gets to low (to cast any spell <this> knows at all) <this> may use his hp (1hp = <x>mp) to cast spells. 1/10 of the hp used this way are permanently lost to <this>.
Call to the Grave (passiv, cooldown)
... (sry i'm tired - don't want to invent any texts anymore) ...
Whenever a unit(creeps only) in range <x> to <this> becomes target (attack, spell, order, ...) there is a <y>% chance that that unit gets killed by <this> intead.
Oversold Cemetry (activ)
If there are 4 or more allied corpses close to <this> you may revive any one of them.
True Form (activ, morph)
<this> changes to it's true form. (illidan)
i'm already tired as hell and i have scool in about 8 hours. - i need to get some sleep. After school i might post a few more ides
I hope this little posts helps you a little and i might add a few more ideas after school.
- Raszul