I am trying to get used to Jass codes fast. JassNewGen provides me a lots of native functions in a drop-down list.
OR simply
I can get this out from
I am asking about Call Preload(ability.mdl) because I am not sure what does it use for?, and does it work with ONLY ability/effect type models or any models?. I never know that function from my GUI Knowledge of 7 years and I am new to Jass. . Is there any book, ebook, tutorials or something that guides me on the meanings of native orders, like. call preload uses for & in which cases should I use it, call Preloader, call PreloadStart, etc. Besides, there are quite many Preload like orders as prefix-, see in the function list, and a lot of others orders I don't know them. Though I can read some Jass script and understand common orders by relating them to the ones would be used in GUI.
Thanks for your helps.
//...other functions
//...other commands
call Preload("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl")
//...other commands
OR simply
call Preload("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl")
I can get this out from
native Preload takes string filename returns nothing
Thanks for your helps.