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[Trigger] Need Help Giving Bounty Via Dying Unit Point Value

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Level 6
Feb 10, 2011
I am trying to make it so a player gets a bounty in gold equal to the unit that is killed point value.
The point values of my units range from 1-30

I tried this,
  • Player - Add ((Point-value of (Triggering unit)) / 4) to (Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold
but it doesnt seem to work

can someone tell me the right way to do this.

the bounty given to the killing player should be equal to 1/4 of the dying units point value.
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Level 11
Nov 15, 2007
Can you please post the trigger where you set the units point-value specifically, and the whole trigger for when you want to give the bounty too?

Point values are set in the object editor and can't be altered through triggers, I believe you're thinking of custom value.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2011
Also which units did u test this against ? im pretty sure if u tested it against the units that have 1 - 3 it will return 0.
u should put in a game message to see what value it is trying to give to that player.

sorry i was tired last night when i wrote this, yes the values range from 1 - 30

i know there is a way to do it, I've seen triggers that worked before but i cant remember how its done. I will try that test in game soon and report back

just tested, it returns as 0
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Level 6
Feb 10, 2011
yes 1 - 3 will return zero because wc3 doesnt round up. ur also using integers. Did u test the higher ones like anything over 4 ?

ya i test 4 and 5 both returned as 1. and 10 returned as 2 i think.

so how i can make it work right? should i use something besides integers?

and i dont want it to round if thats what u thought.

and in the OP i meant to say the bounty given to the killing player should be equal to 1/4 of the dying units point value.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2011
no its just the way blizzard rounds. instead change the numbers from 1 - 30 to 4 - 33 and it will work fine.

not sure how i could make it work, bounty is based off of a units gold cost and the point value is the same as the gold cost, but i did find this. its a trigger that seems to work, but its not accurate.

  • Deathtrigger
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set bountydivisor = ((Point-value of (Triggering unit)) mod 4)
      • Set bountymoney[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = (bountymoney[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] + bountydivisor)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • bountymoney[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] Greater than or equal to 4
        • Then - Actions
          • Set bountymoney[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = (bountymoney[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] - 4)
          • Set bountyget = (((Point-value of (Triggering unit)) / 4) + 1)
        • Else - Actions
          • Set bountyget = ((Point-value of (Triggering unit)) / 4)
      • Player - Add bountyget to (Owner of (Killing unit)) Current gold
this is just a trigger i found, im not to sure what it is doing. And i really coudlnt explain it. could u?
its getting the modulo of the integer. It basically gets the remainder of a value and a divisor.

if u dont know what that is just google it. Its better explained there.

Also if u want the point value to be the gold just take out the divide by 4.
This will make point value of 1 give one gold and point value of 30 give 30 gold and everything in the middle.
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