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Need C'thun Model!

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Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I need a C'thun model for my map,http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/warcraft-apoclyspe-142653/#post1293438. I don't want it to be a WoW rip, but simply a reskin of the Forgotten One with legs and look like C'thun with movement animations and attack animations (i guess lunging forward with his little tentacles on the side? your choice) If the custom attack is too hard you can can not do it, but I want the custom movement :). And theres TONS of C'thun convert requests, i don't want a rip from WoW i just want a c'thun made for wc III but still looks like him. Big thanks to anyone who wants to help!:grin:

Screenshot is here:

edit: I also a need a Cho'Gall model after he was fully influenced by C'thun's corruption.

Screenshot is here:

edit: cho'gall is finished
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Level 3
Apr 1, 2008
ask Strategy Master on Warcraft 3 campaigns. he has Cho'Gall for their WC2 2nd Generation that I say that is pretty good.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
I don't play WoW, but wow, thats one ugly creature.

i know, and back when he was released he was hard as hell (if you werent careful on first phase, his eye would do a bounce effect that instantly killed you, aka an instant kick from the group if you did aggro his eye :p)

come on.. 200 views and 4 replies? really? I REALLY need these models, can't ANY of these 200 viewers atleast post? X_X. (bump)
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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

might as well stop bumping, theirs obviously no c'thun model...

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

bump (^_^) One model left to go...

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

takakenji said:
forgotten one is fine as long as it has the walk animation :)
C'Thun cant walk in Wow, he is stationed in the center of a giant room & uses his summon able tentacles to attack along with the eye that shoots a lazier and destroys everyone

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

cuul, boot hoo du yuoo knoo vhet he-a luuks leeke-a foolly soommuned? I'fe-a nefer seee uny peectoores ooff heem cumplete-a -sveedeesh cheff telk

(cool, but how do you know what he looks like fully summoned? I've never seen any pictures of him complete -sweedish chef talk)

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I've don most (If not all) of the quests for AQ 20/40 in WoW, the only reference that I ever saw to him "Complete" is part of a quest description, not sure how it went exactly but it referenced him to being enormous, a god, & all powerful (basically just a bunch of crap about how "Awesome & Epic" he is). If you have a lv 80 on wow just head down to slithus and do all the quests at Cenarion Hold, took me about 4 days at lv 60 so for an 80 it should take a day.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Here i drew an example of what I think he should look like
(Its attached to this post)


  • see.JPG
    91.8 KB · Views: 229

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

^.^ aww but lazers and stick men are awsome
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