Need a Team

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Level 7
Nov 8, 2008
POSTPONED: I'm currently making Final Fantasy Tactics [AOS] Link: Click Here
I'm currently making a "Gundam Arena Map"
So I'm looking for a team to help me with this project especially to those Gundam Fans and
I would gladly accept any skills related in war3 whether be in terrain,coders for spell/system (vJass or GUI) or Ideas and as well as a beta tester.

Name: Gundam Arena
Players: 6-6
System/Gameplay as follow:
-4 arena maps to choose from (City, Dessert, Northern Area, Abandoned Spacecraft) , might add more arena map like in jungle, plain field.. and etc.
-3rd-person camera
- No target attack (dunno what other terms)
- about 12-15 gundam will be made or more
- Custom UI and Sound
- Hero Selection
*This is just a small brief on what my project is
I'm still currently making the models and so far I have 4 models

It's kinda hard so I disregard the details to it and to be as Lowpoly as possible
Current Team:
Map Developer - Firstlegacy (Ideas,Terrain,Model Maker)
Member - Darkworx (Ideas, 2d-graphic artist)
Blitz (Animator)

*If interested, it's best if you pm me
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Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I could help if you want. I can write jass and some vJass scripts, but I suck at GUI.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Sorry, I don't have an fb account, but don't worry I've looked at the system and I think I can put it on your map. Oh and I'm not a pro in jass or vJass scripting, maybe the same skill as you lol. Isn't there an irc chat in here, maybe I could go there when I'm not busy.
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