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Need a Diablo 2 lod item !

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Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
I know this is very off topic but i need the helmet of tran-goul. In fact, I had full trangoul but I transfered the helm from my mule. ANd at the good moment, my computer had crashed.
Just whisper me, my account is Pins007 and I play in Europe server. My characters are Pins (barbarian), Tsathoggua_vip and MulePins.
Plz help me...
Level 4
Apr 11, 2004
i would give you one, and probably 3other godly sets, plus a whole load of other UBER stuff (eg, gheeds, anni, SOJs, im sure you get the point :wink: ) but i havent touched my europe account in about 2 years, so its probably all gone... i moved to uswest because most things are cheap as hell over there, but i think that acc got deleted too...
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