• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Nathanos Blightcaller with axe

This bundle is marked as lacking. It fails to meet the standard requirements and may only have minor use.
Yes, we waited, the champion of the dark lady came to Warcraft 3, but in a slightly different skin to match the style of play (Mixed skin from different versions).
Why is he without a bow? ”I decided that Sylvanas had taken over the duties of an archer, while Nathanos became a melee specializing in axes.
Please love and favor ^^
1.The new version is transplanted to a different skeleton, which is more consistent with the model for attacks with axes
2.Added accessories such as quiver and bow
3.Nathanos got a mustache that matches his WoW version
P.S: The old model will also remain available for download and editing


Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(New-Fixed) (Model)

Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(New-Fixed) (Model)

Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(New-Fixed) (Icon)

Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(Old) (Model)

Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(Old) (Model)

Nathanos Blightcaller with axe(Old) (Icon)

General Frank
So updates in about 2 years. There are also a ton of issues.
Give him the Beastmaster's attack animations. All he's doing is bashing things with the tops of those axe heads.

Also, give him that Demon Hunter spin when he attacks. Have him do something unique, like spinning either the left or right axe and using the axe's war spike for critical strike and stun damage.
Give him a bow-and-arrow and Alternate him, so he could attack land and air units from afar.
Last edited:
Level 3
Nov 25, 2013
This model is pretty cool, i really get the vibes from the undead model in world of warcraft with the slight hunchback and it's cool to get a version of nathanos as a melee hero instead of a ranged one. Great work!
Whoa whoa, take it easy)
I'm probably far from the level of Ujimasa Hojo
Maximum updates now that:
1.Transplant to another skeleton
2.Add accessories on the back: a quiver and a bow
My bad... I just see so much more potential your Nathanos character has to offer.
Anything you wish to animate to Nathanos but couldn't, leave to experienced animators.