Naruto Super Rpg [0,2]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This card I made in 2012. In it, I laid emphasis on the non-standard approach. Other cards similar among Naruto cards you can hardly find. The plot revolves around 21-33 episodes of the first season. It features 6 playable characters. Each has its own role. For example, before an exam to Chuunin Sasuke and Lee have to fight with each other.
With Sasuke Sharingan can copy taijutsu Lee.
With gates Lee can run very fast.
Good game!

Тригеры Warcraft 3, Naruto Rpg, WarCraft III World Editor, готовые скилы WarCraft 3, World Editor триггеры, триггеры, уроки по world editor, Naruto Le

Naruto Super Rpg [0,2] (Map)

15:23, 24th Jul 2015 Shadow Fury: Rejected for the third time for the same reason. Please refrain from uploading your map continuously, it will always be rejected if you don't have a proper map description.




15:23, 24th Jul 2015
Shadow Fury: Rejected for the third time for the same reason. Please refrain from uploading your map continuously, it will always be rejected if you don't have a proper map description.