Mythological Beasts

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Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
Hi guys, hopefully you guys can help me.
im making a map called God RPG, i need a few models for the game.

Its a single player RPG where hades turned against the gods and tries to destryo zues. you play the role of a warrior, leading a team of warriors to destroy Hades. it covers alot of the Mytholigical Things. Heres what i need:

Pegasus - A horse with wings, white coloured
Hydra - With 6-9 heads
Hades - A demonic Figure, human but with demonic things like Fire skin, Flaming armor, flaming crown and so forth
Medusa/Gorgon - A female top body, Snake like bottom body, lots of mini snakes as head, OR weaponless Naga hero one.
Argus - Has one hundred eyes all over his body, heres a pic.

Scylla - an enormous monster with a snake-like tail and six dog-heads around her waist.
Sphinx - (Yes, Greece) half-bird, half-woman creature

Thats all for now, until i can remember some more that i'll need. Thanks!
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is not a mythological source

In DnD and HoMaM there appear to be creatures called Gorgons who look moe like cows and should probably be known as Behemoths or something simular

Medusa was a gorgon, and I doubt anyone would think she was a cow thing
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Dude wtf spinx .. read this 'Sphinx is an image of a recumbent lion with the head of a ram, of a falcon or of a person, invented by the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom, but a cultural import in Greek mythology.'
You also have a greek version? i prefer the egyptian ..
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Dude wtf spinx .. read this 'Sphinx is an image of a recumbent lion with the head of a ram, of a falcon or of a person, invented by the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom, but a cultural import in Greek mythology.'
You also have a greek version? i prefer the egyptian ..

The Greek Sphinx, you uncultered person, is a lion-bodied beast with giant eagle wings and the head of a woman, also known as the Dog Faced Witch for whatever reason

They're the type where the famous riddle of the sphinx comes from. Oedipus kicked its ass
Level 6
Feb 10, 2007
Goegons are Medusas (Cows??? does any1 know something about mythology around here?). And the sphinx is egyptian with the body of a lion and the head of a human.There is a greek "version" as well. I can do the hydra,gorgon and probably the unicorn

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Deleted member 126647

Its good, i but i cant edit models...and theyre not snakes on

plus - Thanks The guy who needs help...can u try do Pegasus? and the greek Sphinx has a Body of Eagle, Head of a woman and Bottom of a lion.

What are you talking about, those are snakes on her head....same as with the normal sea witch. Please look closer next time >.<
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