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My ultimate map idea

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Level 2
Jun 12, 2007
hi guys

i have been thinking for a long time about making a map for warcraft 3 and if im doing to make one, im going to be serious about it. i wouldnt make a crappy map that you would play ones and then delete, i would make a map that stays fun even after playing it for one hundred times. A map that combines all the good things of warcraft. An ultimate map in short. well, to make such a map, you would have to know what all the good things of warcraft are, and for me thats these:

#1: Storyline: we all know that warcraft has a beautyfull storyline, even better that that of for example "Lord of the Rings" to just name one...

#2: multiplayer: warcraft 3 has about one of the best online multiplayer modes ever seen in the PC gaming industry. You just cant grow tired of kicking other players butts on bnet :p.

#3: believable graphics and gameplay: anyone who has never wished in theyre life that they could do magic is not human by my oppinion xD, And having a kewl game that allows you to enter a vast believable world of mystisism and beauty is about the next best thing right?

Now the only question that remains is how to make a map that combines these three into one orgy of game fun.

well my idea is to make an online multiplayer RPG/RTS crossover that features the storyline of the shadow council (the group of warlocks, necrolytes and dark shamans that was founded by Gul'dan and Ner'zul pre warcraft 1). every player would be a council member leading the orcish horde into azeroth. the host can also allow players to play with characters such as Gul'dan, Ner'zul, Cho'gall the Ogremage and Teron Gorefiend (a deathknight from warcraft 2 expantion). the map will follow the story of the shadow council from before the storyline of warcraft 1 and until the beginning of WoW. Featured areas would be shadowmoon valley, hellfire penninsula, the Black morass/Blasted lands, deadwind pass, duskwood, elwynn forrest, redridge mountains and burning steppes.

I would really want to know if you like this map as much as i do, before im going to put all my recreational time into it, so any critisism is welcome, but compliments are more welcome xD!!!

*edit: i have made up some minor additions to my map. nothing spectaculair, but its all down to the details eh?

1: a loot system that is similar to that of wow. kill a monster and he drops a ward controlled by you that holds items that you can loot from it.

2: a food system that allows you to control your health and mana regeneration by eating food and drinking water.

3: when you advance to the point in the storyline where orgrim doomhammer slaughters the shadow council, all council members turn in to deathknights, just like in the real storyline.

4: a threat system that controls if creeps attack you or flee according to how much damage you are dealing

5: i was thinking of maybe adding shattrath city and the scryers and the aldor*
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Level 2
Jun 12, 2007
Perhaps make a spawn based game of the conflict in the eastern kingdoms

what exactly is a spawn based game? plz dont tell me its like footie frenzie or something like that cause i dont like that very much.

i dont like the idea, just my opinion
it isn't original, and not creative...

whatever you say man, i bet your so wonderfully creative and you made tons of kewl maps that everyone plays on bnet right? no? didnt think so! plz constructive criticism, at least tell me how you think i need to improve my concept.

by the way the games that became really popullar on bnet werent at all original, Dota allstars; AoS etc.
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Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
Well, It'd be a fine idea if you can pull it off in one map. I doubt you will be able to though. If it becomes many maps, you strip multiplayer out of it, at least if you have only my skill. Maybe a more skilled mapper then me would tell you differently.

You are looking at a serious undertaking, but it SOUNDS like it'd play pretty well. It is a fairly unique idea, despite what other people say, they concentrate on the content inside the map to determine uniqueness. I can't think of very many games similar to the one you describe, at least how I am interpreting it. Really until you can walk someone through how gameplay would commence, I can't tell for sure if it's unique, but it sounds like there is potential for it.
Level 2
Jun 12, 2007
well i want to make the gameplay close to that of for example the molten core map for those of you who know it, only with a bit more details, easter eggs quests etc.

it is definitely ambitious, but my new school year will soon begin and i will have to travel 2:30 hours a day by train, so during that time my laptop and the wc3 editor will be my best friends :)
Level 10
Jun 16, 2007
whatever you say man, i bet your so wonderfully creative and you made tons of kewl maps that everyone plays on bnet right? no? didnt think so! plz constructive criticism, at least tell me how you think i need to improve my concept.

Errm as a matter of fact I did, instead of discussing what i could imagine doing...and i got 8.45(29) Rating so wake up and learn to endure criticism
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
29 ratings isn't bad, but not outstanding either. Still, 8.45 overall rating isn't bad, but what's the map? Just the same, kuLt.G_Hoernch, I disagree with the concept that was implied by your statement. You implied it was constructive criticism, which, by the way, is the only acceptable form. Your statement resembled more of general criticism, which is fairly unacceptable. Had you said something like, "The Warcraft Realm is Overdone, so it is my opinion that it isn't original, and not creative..." that would be constructive criticism. My critique on your criticism would be constructive criticism as well. Constructive criticism allows the person you are criticizing to improve exactly what it is that you don't like about it.
To illustrate, If I were to do the same with General Criticism, my statement would consist of "Stop acting like a fool". With constructive criticism, you know exactly why I feel you are "Acting like a fool" and what you can do to reduce your foolish traits and become more of a force to help him make a decent map.

As for G-force, Are you telling us that you want your game to be like one of the World of Warcraft simulations out there, except centered around warcraft history instead of current events? I am going to have to agree with kuLt.G_Hoernch now and say that that wouldn't be very creative or unique. You explained your map as a RTS/RPG, I pictured a crazy game where you controlled a member of the shadow council and directed orcish invasions against areas, and then controlled those troops to your victory. That sounded unique to me. Just ripping off what WoW in WC3 does though isn't, though at least you are filling some kind of niche with it. Just FYI, I don't play the WoW in Warcraft games. I find them horrid. Then again, I don't play DotA for the same reason either, so what do I know?
Level 2
Jun 12, 2007
29 ratings isn't bad, but not outstanding either. Still, 8.45 overall rating isn't bad, but what's the map? Just the same, kuLt.G_Hoernch, I disagree with the concept that was implied by your statement. You implied it was constructive criticism, which, by the way, is the only acceptable form. Your statement resembled more of general criticism, which is fairly unacceptable. Had you said something like, "The Warcraft Realm is Overdone, so it is my opinion that it isn't original, and not creative..." that would be constructive criticism. My critique on your criticism would be constructive criticism as well. Constructive criticism allows the person you are criticizing to improve exactly what it is that you don't like about it.
To illustrate, If I were to do the same with General Criticism, my statement would consist of "Stop acting like a fool". With constructive criticism, you know exactly why I feel you are "Acting like a fool" and what you can do to reduce your foolish traits and become more of a force to help him make a decent map.

As for G-force, Are you telling us that you want your game to be like one of the World of Warcraft simulations out there, except centered around warcraft history instead of current events? I am going to have to agree with kuLt.G_Hoernch now and say that that wouldn't be very creative or unique. You explained your map as a RTS/RPG, I pictured a crazy game where you controlled a member of the shadow council and directed orcish invasions against areas, and then controlled those troops to your victory. That sounded unique to me. Just ripping off what WoW in WC3 does though isn't, though at least you are filling some kind of niche with it. Just FYI, I don't play the WoW in Warcraft games. I find them horrid. Then again, I don't play DotA for the same reason either, so what do I know?

I totally agree with you about the general criticism, its just really anoying if people just say "that idea sux". plz add the reason why you think it sux and how it should be improved. as long as you dont im just gonna insult you xD.

As for what you discribe as your crazy game, i had something like that in mind aswel, i just didnt discribe that very well i guess. i was thinking of putting in quests in which you would support armies of orcs and ogres who attack possitions like hellfire citadel, backrock spire, ofcourse stormwind, and maybe kazmodan if i can get it in the map.

P.S. ive been looking for some custom models here and there and ive got a whole bunch of them. i just need a model for cho'gall the ogremage, kargath bladefist, blackhand and ner'zhul. if anyone has one or knows one, plz tell me, and i will be forever in your dept xD
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