Ok. 1st off: Filters = No No. I am already past that. The only filters I use now is sharpen and an occasional blurr.
You are still using them, you shouldn't need either AT ALL (there are certain areas that i tolerate, but for textures, you shouldnt need them) as they linger and direct you a way from wielding freehand at its full potential, most artists or texturers who drop dodge/ burn etc (eg Falcoknight, Afroknight,Nivana etc) excel at far greater speeds, develop a unique and great style+feel, and learn alot faster on developing those.
2. It's practice I am aiming for, not perfection.
That has nothing to do with it, do not use them at all as its clear you dont know how and they are not needed and will linger your learning on skinning/texturing freehand.
Only use recolour on the base of textures THEN work over them, and by solid. I mean dont just do the whole thing a bright red, it should contain browns, yellows and purples and such.
4. I normally just go ahead and do the skins first, then worry about shading and touchups. This is really the answer to everything you said.
1. Base Colour. (the thing you work on, a solid colour, no shading or such. Outline can be done after or before, but best done on a new layer above the base.
3. Secondary colours+Base shading (VERY IMPORTANT)
4. THEN Detail
5. Highlights
And these should be done in layers depending upon their stage.
5. I have the worst hand in the world. I am still in what some people would call, their 'noob' stage.
Practice freehand, dodge, burn and smudge get in the way of learning to utilize colours, shading and editing and in terms of how they work. Trust me, I'v seen people...just amaze your eyes the next week to a point were you ask for god to kill you they are just so awesome.
Overall, thanks Werewulf! Though most of the points you made I have realized beforehand, I apreciate that I get at least a little feedback from someone adept at 2-d Art!
I may sound grumpy if.. i am?, but im just too tired and sick of having to have to sound nice all the time.