Dude .. U aren't smart cause i used UTM (Light from above, Fog (edit in world editor)) AND u can only speak for ur self when you say Lordaeron Summer tileset is ugly... U are a bit to aggresive for me. .. . .
Also I advice you to study ~Void~ 's terrain showcase he makes beatiful vacant terrains.
Lordaeron summer is not a good tileset.
The waterfal could have been put better.You said you used the UTM,why don't you used any of its trees and used normal Wc3 ones?
It's a pretty average terrain but it's your first.Try more next time!
And Parkietje, I'm 99% sure that terrain took you longer than 2 minutes, or you had parts already done. A fog takes 2 minutes at least. Don't try to intimidate people like that.
As for blizzard cliffs, Blizzard used them amazingly, TBH. In one of the 8 player maps, it's an island one, they made them nearly level with the ground, then raised them up high. Blizzard terrainers are masters of the height tool.