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My First Terrain Ever! :O

Do you like my Terrain?

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Level 24
May 20, 2007
Heero is right,you should listen to him he is a respectfull person

And all you need are some more variations,some rock spires at every cliff and then some rocks from the Barrens Doodads,and then you could put a beast at the entrance of the cave,a Lava Spawn or a phoenix sitting on that cratter,put some hay red colored,and a small phoenix egg

And you could surround it with lava cracks or fire gust's it is pretty easy,you just need imagination

Well that is how i see your terrain,pretty good
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
No, it sux.

This would indeed be your first ever terrain. This is like something you do the first time you open WE and fudge about just for shit and giggles.

Alright, I'll start with: it's flat, use the height tools to get some height variation. Seriously, ANY height variation is good.
The tiling is bloody awful, it's symmetrical and symmetrical is generally a bad thing. Look at Blizzard's tiling in their maps, try to copy that. seewhatididhere
You did some of the cliffs symmetrical too, it just doesn't look natural nor good. The one thing you really did well in your terrain are the cliffs in the background, they look acceptable at least.
Also, you have two doodads in this entire pic. Two doodads! Look at some of the terrains posted around here, hell, look at Blizzard's melee maps. Get some shrubbery, rocks, whatever, but TWO doodads? Geez.

I am too shocked and tired to write a proper bashing, hence the low quality of this comment. Just don't go thinking I'll cut you any slack though.
Level 4
Dec 30, 2007
Actually i used three doodads >:D
Level 7
Dec 30, 2006
You don't seem to be following tutorials still. Don't use the cliff, use the height tool always. Start the map 100% shallow water, then go from there.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Your second terrain is a large improvement, but you still use blizzard cliffs. When you use the "Raise Height" tool, it creates a blizzard cliff. Instead use the terrain deformation tools. I will not even waste time commenting on your first terrain, for it is absolutely horrid and makes me want to cry. But your second terrain gives me some hope for noobs everywhere. Anyway, you never want those spiky hills, and almost appears like you used the noise tool. Don't. Needs more tile variation, and the doodads seemed randomly placed for the most part. I would suggest typing in "scenery" in google, then try to recreate some of the scenes you see and try to make them as much like the real thing as possible. Fogs and weather always have an added touch to terrains.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Rain snow and fog and all that crap is under scenario-map options.
I'd say don't try to use custom models until you are confident with the default stuff, since if you start off with customs you end up using ONLY customs and it often looks horrible, since the customs are meant to go with the blizzard models.
Also, check out some more experienced terrainers' projects, they can give you some good ideas on what to do or what not to do.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
I did take all of the advice given to me in this thread, i just feel it was given in a rather unappropriately rude way.

Lord of Sasauge was friendly about it tho xD

YEA, im a freindly member :p

anyways, new terrains are better, but dont use thoose "increase Hieght" cliffs, they... stink.
Instead, use the Raise tool and make the tiles on it "Rock"
put some pathing blockers at the upper- and lower part so you wont be able to walk on the cliff, secondly, use fog effects and skyes. to do this, go under Scenario and then im sure you find out yourself :)

-Happy Terraining :)
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Wow, three pages in a single day!

This is not an experienced terrain. Not in the least. It's fairly poor still. You have not set a fog, you have used about five different doodads, you have so sky set, you can see the edge of the map, you have no tile variation, the terrain doesn't seem to have a purpose; it's really random. There are pointy hills everywhere, and you have white stuff that I can't figure out.

@Dracula: Blizzard cliffs are rarely used well. Beginners are usually told to never use them. I have yet to see a terrain with Blizzard cliffs that prove they can be used to match that of the raise tool. I've seen some decent terrains with them, but not really good ones. I suggest you never use them, or make sure they fit well.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I am on the verge of closing this thread. One more offensive argument outbreak and people will recieve negative rep and this thread will be closed.

Keep it clean!

I'd give advice about your terrains, but I cannot see them. Please reupload them to your first post. Thank you!

PS: I've also cleaned this thread somewhat.

Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
good, but try avoid the blizzard cliffs, they look unaturaly, try make cliffs by increasing the height whit increase tool (like making hills) and change tile to rock and the put pathing blockers at the bottom of them.
Pathing Blockers FTW!
happy terraining :)

Edit its Lord_of_Sausage not Lord of Sasauge :p
Sasauge :p

Wow, three pages in a single day!

This is not an experienced terrain. Not in the least. It's fairly poor still. You have not set a fog, you have used about five different doodads, you have so sky set, you can see the edge of the map, you have no tile variation, the terrain doesn't seem to have a purpose; it's really random. There are pointy hills everywhere, and you have white stuff that I can't figure out.

@Dracula: Blizzard cliffs are rarely used well. Beginners are usually told to never use them. I have yet to see a terrain with Blizzard cliffs that prove they can be used to match that of the raise tool. I've seen some decent terrains with them, but not really good ones. I suggest you never use them, or make sure they fit well.

Even pros have been noobs once: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7425

Edited by Craka_J
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Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
From Killfest2's Melee Map Tutorial said:
o Include a minimap
o Provide a description of the basic ideas incorporated in your map
o Highlight appropriate team formats for your map
o Say anything that is unique about your map which may encourage downloads
o Proof-read your submission for grammar mistakes

o Say it’s your first map in the hope you will receive sympathy in voting/comments
o Be ‘up yourself’ in your map - eg. Don’t say ‘Best map ever’ or something like that
o Not provide a description at all
o Highlight the bad things in your map
o Say ‘all comments/recommendations please send to…’ – no-one will bother
That point i just made bold does actually fit into all kinds of catagories of stuff, keep that in mind next time. Also those new peeps showing new stuff...
Level 9
Oct 24, 2007
I'd suggest choosing a theme, the terrain seems quite random... it's part ruins with the cliff, yet the resurrection stone doesn't seem to belong. Stick to one of those themes and work with it, but don't give up, criticism is inevitable in the terrain board :p
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not all that great. Blizzard cliffs aren't used well here. In fact I suggest not using them for a while. A long while.

No tile variation! Not even a tiny bit!

Bad placement of doodads.

Very bland.
Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
Gilles,not to insult or anything,but why dont you show us something by you?

agree... xD... well, im not a good terrainer but im sure i can do better than that xD... also , someone saied that everyone was noob once , and thats true , dont be so rough?:confused:... ok , i vote for no it sux xD.
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