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Music problem

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Level 8
Dec 16, 2007
I keep having problem when I try to import custom musics. Everytime I imported them via Import Manager and saves, it always appears errors. And always 96 errors no matter which one of the custom musics I try to import. What can be the problem? It's nothing wrong with the file I think.. It's still says Sound/Music on the type.

Is there a way to solve this?
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Did you even read my post? I'm the sound moderator for a reason. You don't have to reinstall, and reinstalling sure as hell wont fix the problem. The sound PROBABLY does not work because it's corrupted, meaning that We does not recognize it and will not play it. As I said above, there is no solution to this problem, besides obtaining an alternate copy of the file that you are intending to use.
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
If it's warcraft 3 music from the MPQ then you will have to reinstall... I had the same problem with my undead music (which I personly think is the best)... I was putting it on a map and it showed up as 00:00 so I reinstalled et voila...

If It's imported then yeah, obtain a new copy... Test it in Windows Media Player and other stuff like that...
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