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[Solved] Imported music no longer works in Reforged

Level 6
Mar 1, 2013
Hello guys, so I finally bought WC3 Reforged since it was on sale, but I'm getting really sad about how many bugs are still present in this version, even after 3 years of release.

One of my problem is with imported sounds, I just tested my old map from classic on reforge version, and noticed that my music triggers no longer works, and it plays random music mixed with sounds instead. I didn't change a single thing, but it seems that Reforged changed something with imported music, because when I tried to delete/reimport music back to the map, It can no longer be saved as it drops script errors with invalid symbols once i use them in triggers.

Imported sounds are no longer using correct variable names from sound editor, but instead shows as this gg_snd_etc..

All of my imported sounds are in mp3 format and 44khz.

Does anyone know, how to fix it ? Did they change the format for imported music ?


  • bug.png
    105.2 KB · Views: 20
  • bug2.png
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Level 26
Sep 26, 2009
It seems like the map script contains reference to a sound variable that does not exist. Try opening the Sound Editor and delete all your sound variables.
Try saving the map and then try to create the sound variables once again in the sound editor
Level 23
Aug 29, 2012
Reforged uses a new format for sound, .flac where it previously used .wav, so converting your old sound effects to this one could be a good start I think

That being said, music is still used as .mp3 so theoretically they should work all the same. Maybe try to rename your music file to something simpler with no spaces or dashes to be on the safe side

Edit: and yeah recreate your variables in the sound editor
Level 6
Mar 1, 2013
What u see in attachments is a fresh new empty map with only one imported sound and it produces the same error. However I will try to rename the file to a more simplier name later today to see if it helps.
Level 6
Mar 1, 2013
Update: So renaming sound file has no effect, It seems I can't import any custom sounds even on a new empty map, as it always uses the sound name instead of variable when I'm trying to create Play Music Trigger.
Level 23
Aug 29, 2012
I remember it happening to me once but I can't remember how I worked around it. I've just tried though and it works fine, so I'm not sure why this sometimes happens.

Does renaming the sound variable in the sound editor have any effect?
Level 6
Mar 1, 2013
I think I managed to fix the issue. The main problem is in the Editor itself, as it's probably a bug.

But, what I've found is, that once you import a sound file and change its variable name in sound editor, it will break and you'll get script error message after you use it in a trigger and then saving the map with it.

Also if you remove the import file, it's still visible in the Triggers and Sound Editor, so it seems that Editor temp files are still present, until you restart it completely.

So, I'm forwarding this to Blizzard's bug report aswell and hope, that they will fix it in the future patches.


  • bug.png
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Hosted Project: W3E
Level 19
Jul 9, 2010
I'm also fighting this issue trying to migrate my campaign to 1.36 and it's real pain in the ass. I reimported my sounds in sound editor and even in import editor. It helped in one case, with music played just after map init. But another one playing in mid cinematic is still not played no matter what - normal game music is played instead. When I played the same music at the start, it works.

Do you have perhaps a link to an open issue in their service desk or anything that would allow us to track if they're planning to fix this?
Level 6
Mar 1, 2013
I'm also fighting this issue trying to migrate my campaign to 1.36 and it's real pain in the ass. I reimported my sounds in sound editor and even in import editor. It helped in one case, with music played just after map init. But another one playing in mid cinematic is still not played no matter what. When I played the same music at the start, it works.

Do you have perhaps a link to an open issue in their service desk or anything that would allow us to track if they're planning to fix this?
I did send them bug report, but there's nothing like open discussion and they will never reply to such tickets.

However, I found two solutions:

First - if you import custom music, never change the variable name, just keep it default.
Second - when u using music trigger, U need to first use the Clear the music list trigger.
  • Prison door02
    • Actions
      • Sound - Stop music after fading
      • Sound - Clear the music list
      • Wait - 1.00 seconds
      • Sound - Play Music
I don't know why, but in Reforged if i don't use the clear music list command, it will play random music instead. Worked fine in Classic version tho..
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