Imported Mp3 music datas don't work anymore for some reason since 1.30

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Level 7
Dec 19, 2014
I have noticed that the mp3 music datas in my map are not played anymore since the patch 1.30. In the sound editor it's shown that the format of my music datas is unknown now. Are there now new conditions or requirements for imported mp3 sound/music datas? I tried to reimport the datas and change their paths, but nothing helped yet.
Labyrinth of Nightmare (v7)
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
Sounds are bugged on the current patch and only actually play the first time you attempt to do so. Perhaps MP3s don't play at all? At any rate this should be resolved with a future fix, but right now they are dealing with the ramifications of changing the under-the-hood sound engine for the game.
Level 7
Dec 19, 2014
Sounds are bugged on the current patch and only actually play the first time you attempt to do so. Perhaps MP3s don't play at all? At any rate this should be resolved with a future fix, but right now they are dealing with the ramifications of changing the under-the-hood sound engine for the game.
Yes, exactly. But i tried some other maps like 'Sunken City' or 'Rise of the Gigantes', i also opened 'Rise of the Gigantes' in the editor, and in these maps all mp3 music datas are still working for some reason though these maps are older versions. But in my map the imported mp3 music datas are not played at all anymore. I have tried everything, i also deleted metadatas and converted the mp3 musics again. I also reimported them again and reloaded the map. But nothing has helped yet. Is possibly my converter too old? I originally converted some mp4 datas to mp3 and they worked perfectly, until 1.30 came. Is there some kind of new requirement for the imported mp3 datas now?
Level 7
Dec 19, 2014
Me and another user have finally found out that the metadata of a mp3 sound breaks the audio. That's why all metadatas of a mp3 including the audio cover picture have to be removed. I got the programs to do this and i will report if it also worked on my computer.
Level 3
Nov 8, 2021
Me and another user have finally found out that the metadata of a mp3 sound breaks the audio. That's why all metadatas of a mp3 including the audio cover picture have to be removed. I got the programs to do this and i will report if it also worked on my computer.
Can confirm, removing meta info fixes the issue.

Use this terminal command to remove metadata:
// removes meta 
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -map 0:a -c:a copy -map_metadata -1 output.mp3
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